This is a small web application that I have created using the Flask framework.
I am looking for best practices feedback, as well as design pointers. I am not confident that my design choices have been very good, or rather that they were the best they could have been, but I would like some feedback regardless on where I can improve and expand. I'm new at Python.
Github here:
To begin, I'd like to review where I process my xml configuration file. the file is validated, and then a database is populated with the information. I feel like it could be improved however (not included is validation and safety-checking of the user-supplied (really admin supplied) html from the xml doc).
from lxml import etree
import time, datetime
from time import mktime
from contestassist.database import db_session
from contestassist.contest import Contest
from contestassist.question import Question
from contestassist.config import Config
import sqlalchemy
import sys
class XMLParser:
def __init__(self, xml_file):
self.xml_file = xml_file
self.time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
def ProcessTemplate(self):
#parser = etree.XMLParser(dtd_validation=True)
parser = etree.XMLParser()
xmldoc = etree.parse(self.xml_file, parser)
contests = xmldoc.getroot()
#validate against DTD
dtd = open(Config.DTDPATH, 'r')
dtdObj = etree.DTD(dtd)
if dtdObj.validate(contests) is False:
print "Supplied XML file is not correctly formatted"
for contest in contests.getchildren():
contest_id = self.parseContestInfo(contest)
self.parseContestQuestions(contest, contest_id)
def parseContestInfo(self, contestNodes):
title = contestNodes.xpath('title')
self.title_data = title[0].text
description = contestNodes.xpath('description')
self.description_data = description[0].text
#Here we carefully extract the time from our xml node into a datetime object
#in a couple steps. First we get the string from the node, then a time struct using strptime and a format string
#then we create a datetime from the struct.
start = contestNodes.xpath('start')
start_node = start[0].text
t_struct = time.strptime(start_node, self.time_format)
self.start_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(t_struct))
end = contestNodes.xpath('end')
end_node = end[0].text
t_struct = time.strptime(end_node, self.time_format)
self.end_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(t_struct))
#create contest and insert it into the database
contest = Contest(self.title_data, self.description_data, self.end_datetime, self.start_datetime)
except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, exc:
reason = exc.message
if reason.endswith('is not unique'):
print "%s already exists" % exc.params[0]
#return the ID of this contest, so we can use it in the next function
def parseContestQuestions(self, contestNodes, contest_id):
#get a list of questions for our contest
questions = contestNodes.xpath('questions/question')
#loop through these questions, grab the appropriate data
#and then create question entries in the database
for question in questions:
points_temp = question.xpath('point-value')
p_value = points_temp[0].text
text_temp = question.xpath('question-text')
q_text_value = text_temp[0].text
answer_temp = question.xpath('question-answer')
q_answer = answer_temp[0].text
#create question object, and attach it to the contest with the id contest_id
question = Question(p_value, q_text_value, q_answer, contest_id)
except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, exc:
reason = exc.message
if reason.endswith('is not unique'):
print "%s already exists" % exc.params[0]
I have a couple areas where I'd like to focus on: - Here, I'd like some critique on my class design choices. This class is used to store user information in the database. It provides some utility functions specific to the Flask framework and its plug-ins. It works with SQL Alchemy, so I can retain User info in a database. Am I storing user credentials poorly? How does the authenticate/nameExists/emailExists functions look? 2. - this is where I do my app's route handling, build/process forms, etc. Most views are rendered with a list of dictionaries as an argument (containing for example questions, users, etc as part of the application). Is that bad design for a web application? Do I process forms in a decent manner? is there a way I can better organize all these routes? This file got sort of big fast.
Any feedback is appreciated. I would love to hear feedback in any areas, not necessarily what is named in the tags.