This is pretty good code.  It _is_ a little compact, but that only hurts readability in a few places.  I will make some
suggestions that fluff it out just a bit, and might make it more
understandable for some readers.  Most of what I bring up here is
quite minor.  The important stuff is at the end, where I suggest
reorganizing #find, and describe a bug.

# Prefer {...} for single-line blocks

`{...}` is preferred for single-line blocks; `begin...end` for
multi-line.  So, instead of this:

    2.times do binary_search.find('c') end


    2.times { binary_search.find(5) }

# Implicit vs. explicit _return_

The value of the last executed expression in a method becomes the
return value of the method; this allows you to omit many instances of
`return`.  So, instead of this:

      return pivot

you can do this:


The value of an "if" expression is the value of the last expression it
executed, so instead of this:

    if data[pivot] > target
      return bsearch(target, data[0..pivot - 1])
      offset = bsearch(target, data[pivot..-1])
      return offset ? pivot + offset : nil

you can do this:

    if data[pivot] > target
      bsearch(target, data[0..pivot - 1])
      offset = bsearch(target, data[pivot..-1])
      offset ? pivot + offset : nil

# Typo in a "describe" description

I think this is just a typo.  Since _find_ is an instance method,

    describe '.find' do

should instead be:

    describe '#find' do

# Testing that the constructor does not die

Since every one of the specs implicitly tests that the constructor
does not die, and because that is the normal expectation for a
constructor, there is no need to implicitly test that the constructor
does not raise an exception.  This can safely be removed from the

    describe "#initialize" do
      it "instantiates" do
        expect { binary_search }.to_not raise_exception

# Names

* In class _BinarySearch_, the instance variable `@search_hash` needs
  a better name.  This one is a bit tough (naming is hard!), but until
  a truly good name is found, I suggest `@found_indices` as a name
  that gives the reader a better clue about what the hash is being
  used for.

* A better name for `BinarySearch#find` might be *index*.  This is
  consistent with the built-in `Array#index`, and so less surprising.

* Similarly, consider renaming `BinarySearch#first_find` to

# Creating a hash

It is more usual, when creating an empty hash, to do this:

    @found_indices = {}

rather than this:

    @found_indices =

# Use && to eliminate a use of the trinary operator


    offset ? pivot + offset : nil

may be more succinctly stated as:

    offset && pivot + offset

# Expanding BinarySearch#find

I had trouble following the flow of control here:

    def find(target)
      return @search_hash[target] = first_find(target) unless @search_hash[target]
      return @data[@search_hash[target] + 1] == target ? @search_hash[target] += 1 : nil

We can make it easier to follow, and solve another problem: It isn't
obvious at first that this binary search handles duplicate values by
return successive indices.  Let's draw it in crayon:

    def find(target)
      unless @found_indices[target]


    def find_first(target)
      @found_indices[target] = first_index(target)

    def find_next(target)
      next_index = @found_indices[target] + 1
      return nil unless @data[next_index] == target
      @found_indices[target] = next_index

# A bug with repeating values

If the array has only one distinct value, whether repeated or not,
then there's a bug.  This spec exposes it:

    context 'array of identical values' do
      let(:data) { [1, 1] }
      specify do
        binary_search.find(1).should eq 0
        binary_search.find(1).should eq 1      # => Expected 0; got -2
        binary_search.find(1).should be_nil

The problem is here:

    def first_index(target)
      return nil unless pivot = bsearch(target, @data)
      pivot -= 1 while @data[pivot - 1] == target        # The bug is here

When pivot is 0, the expression `@data[pivot - 1]` becomes
`@data[-1]`, which gets the _last value in @data_.  The code ends up
wrappting from the beginning to the end of the array.  The fix is to
check that pivot is greater than 0 before decrementing it:

      pivot -= 1 while pivot > 0 && @data[pivot - 1] == target