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Reformatted tree and clarified the challenge
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Max path sum algorithm

This is for Project Euler question 18 and I'm looking for feedback on whether my algorithm is incorrect or whether I've just implemented it wrong (which I don't think is the case after some testing).

The question is to traverse the maximum path in a triangle from top to bottom.

                          95  64
                        17  47  82
                      18  35  87  10
                    20  04  82  47  65
                  19  01  23  75  03  34
                88  02  77  73  07  63  67
              99  65  04  28  06  16  70  92
            41  41  26  56  83  40  80  70  33
          41  48  72  33  47  32  37  16  94  29
        53  71  44  65  25  43  91  52  97  51  14
      70  11  33  28  77  73  17  78  39  68  17  57
    91  71  52  38  17  14  91  43  58  50  27  29  48
  63  66  04  68  89  53  67  30  73  16  69  87  40  31
04  62  98  27  23  09  70  98  73  93  38  53  60  04  23

Starting from the second bottom row, each value is its current value + max(left child, right child), which transforms each position in the tree to be its max path sum from that point.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
using Tree = vector<vector<int>>;

void transform_mps(Tree& tree) {
    // start from bottom up, each node's value is node.val + max(left child, right child)
    // transforms tree such that each node is that node's max path sum
    for (int layer = tree.size() - 2; layer >= 0; --layer) {
        for (size_t pos = 0; pos < tree[layer].size(); ++pos) {
            tree[layer][pos] = tree[layer][pos] + max(tree[layer+1][pos], tree[layer+1][pos+1]);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if (argc < 2) { cout << "Need to pass in file to read from\n"; return 1; }

    ifstream f {argv[1]};
    if (!f.is_open()) { cout << "Could not open file\n"; return 1; }

    Tree tree;
    string line;
    while (getline(f, line)) {
        istringstream is {line};
        tree.push_back(vector<int>(istream_iterator<int>(is), istream_iterator<int>()));
    int mps {tree[0][0]};
    cout << "Max path sum: " << mps << endl;

/********** leftovers from previous implementation, ignore
constexpr bool LEFT {false};
constexpr bool RIGHT {true};

int pathsum(Tree& tree, size_t layer, size_t pos, bool right) {
    int sum {};
    ++layer;    // next level
    for (; layer < tree.size(); ++layer) 
        if (right) sum += tree[layer][++pos];
        else sum += tree[layer][pos];
    return sum;
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