##open file and create a dictionary of {"word":"sorted word"}

    word_file = open("word_list(1).txt","r")
    word_list = {}
    for text in word_file:
        simple_text = ''.join(sorted(text.lower().strip()))
    ##lowercase and sort the user input word
    def simplify_entered_word():
        lower_word = ''.join(sorted(input_word.lower().strip())) #Creates a list with the lowercase, sorted letters.
        return lower_word
    #Compare the sorted user input with the values of the dictionary to find the anagrams.
    def find_in_dict(entered_word):
        for key,val in word_list.items():
            if val == entered_word:
    ##main loop
    while True:
        input_word = input("Input the word for anagram checking: ")