I've been away from PHP for at least 5 years and I'm just starting to look into it again. I have a set of functions I created and used for database access and I'm wondering if they are still good to use.
// A group of database function to hide any errors that may occur and
// allow for some form of fallback. If dbConnect() fails for any reason
// an error is displayed on the page, all other functions return empty
// values. For example dbSQL() will return an empty recordset. Pages will
// display the error once but still function to some degree.
$dbConnection = false;
if (empty($dbType))
$dbType = "MYSQL";
// INPUTS: $type -- The type of database that is going to be used
// OUTPUTS: None
// EXAMPLE: dbSetType("MYSQL");
function dbSetType($type)
global $dbType;
// OUTPUTS: true if the database API for PHP is installed false if no
// EXAMPLE: if(!dbOK()) { print "Error"; }
function dbOK()
global $dbType;
if($dbType == "MYSQL")
return true;
return false;
elseif ($dbType == "MSSQL")
return true;
return false;
return false;
// INPUTS: $server ---- Server name, "localhost" if same server as web server
// $database -- The database name to use
// $username -- Username to connect to $server with
// $password -- Password of the user
// OUTPUTS: None
// EXAMPLE: dbConnect("localhost", "test", "root", "");
function dbConnect ($server, $database, $username, $password)
global $dbType;
global $dbConnection;
if($dbType == "MYSQL")
if (dbOK())
$dbConnection = mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password);
if (!$dbConnection)
print "<h1>Can not connect to ".$server." with user ".$username."</h1>";
$db_select = mysql_select_db ($database);
if (!$db_select)
print "<h1>Database ".$database." does not exist</h1>";
print "<h1>mySQL module is not installed</h1>";
elseif ($dbType == "MSSQL")
if (dbOK())
$dbConnection = mssql_connect ($server, $username, $password);
if (!$dbConnection)
print "<h1>Can not connect to ".$server." with user ".$username."</h1>";
$db_select = mssql_select_db ($database);
if (!$db_select)
print "<h1>Database ".$database." does not exist</h1>";
print "<h1>MSSQL module is not installed</h1>";
// Internal function should never be called outside of the dbSQL() function.
// This function returns the Nth parameter passed into dbSQL during the
// replacement of the $1, $2, $3, etc. in the $sql string.
function dbSQL__callback($at)
global $dbSQL__parameters;
return $dbSQL__parameters[$at[1]-1];
// INPUTS: $sql --------- A SQL statment with $// to be replace by cleaned data
// $parameters -- An array of unclean data to be inserted into the SQL
// OUTPUTS: A recordset resulting from the SQL statment if approprate, false on
// error
// EXAMPLE: dbSQL("SELECT * FROM t WHERE col1=$1 AND col2=$2", array(1, "hi"));
function dbSQL($sql, $parameters = array(), $debug = false)
global $dbType;
global $dbConnection;
global $dbSQL__parameters;
if (dbOK())
if ($dbConnection)
foreach ($parameters as $k=>$v)
$v = trim($v);
if (is_int($v))
$parameters[$k] = $v;
if (is_null($v))
$parameters[$k] = "'BLANK'";
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$v = stripslashes($v);
if ($dbType == "MYSQL")
$parameters[$k] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($v)."'";
elseif ($dbType == "MSSQL")
$parameters[$k] = "'".mssql_escape_string($v)."'";
$dbSQL__parameters = $parameters;
$safeSQL = preg_replace_callback('/\$([0-9]+)/', 'dbSQL__callback', $sql);
if ($debug == true)
print "<p>SQL: ".$safeSQL."</p><br />";
if ($dbType == "MYSQL")
$ret = mysql_query($safeSQL, $dbConnection) or die(mysql_error());
elseif ($dbType="MSSQL")
$ret = mssql_query($safeSQL, $dbConnection) or die(mssql_get_last_message());
return $ret;
return false;
// INPUTS: $recordset -- A recordset as returned by dbSQL()
// OUTPUTS: Number of rows in the recordset
// EXAMPLE: $rows = dbRecordTotalRows($rs);
function dbRecordTotalRows($recordset)
global $dbType;
global $dbConnection;
if (dbOK())
if ($dbConnection)
if ($dbType == "MYSQL")
return mysql_num_rows($recordset);
elseif($dbType == "MSSQL")
return mssql_num_rows($recordset);
return 0;
// INPUTS: $recordset -- A recordset as returned by dbSQL()
// OUTPUTS: None
// EXAMPLE: dbRecordNextRow($rs);
function dbRecordNextRow($recordset)
global $dbConnection;
if (dbOK())
if ($dbConnection)
// INPUTS: $recordset -- A recordset as returned by dbSQL()
// OUTPUTS: Array of key=value pair for the current row, false if
// past last row of recordset
// EXAMPLE: $row = dbRecordGetRow($rs);
function dbRecordGetRow($recordset)
global $dbType;
global $dbConnection;
if (dbOK())
if ($dbConnection)
if ($dbType == "MYSQL")
$row = mysql_fetch_array($recordset);
elseif ($dbType == "MSSQL")
$row = mssql_fetch_array($recordset);
return $row;
return null;
// INPUTS: $row -------- A row as returned by dbRecordGetRow()
// $fieldname -- The name of the field whos value is returned.
// OUTPUTS: Value in the requested field
// EXAMPLE: $value = dbRowGetField($row, "id");
function dbRowGetField($row, $fieldname)
if (dbOK())
return stripslashes($row[$fieldname]);
return null;
function dbGetLastInsertID()
global $dbType;
if ($dbType == "MSSQL")
$sql="select SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS last_insert_id";
$parms = Array();
$ret = dbSQL($sql, $parms);
$row = dbRecordGetRow($ret);
return dbRowGetField($row, "last_insert_id");
return -1;
// INPUTS: None
// OUTPUTS: None
// EXAMPLE: dbDisconnect();
function dbDisconnect()
global $dbType;
global $dbConnection;
if (dbOK())
if ($dbConnection)
if ($dbType == "MYSQL")
elseif ($dbType == "MSSQL")
$dbConnection = false;
// INPUTS: $string_to_escape -- This is the unsafe string to pass to the mssql database
// OUTPUTS: A safe string that is ok to pass to a mssql database
// EXAMPLE: mssql_escape_string("Not 's'a'f'e' String");
function mssql_escape_string($string_to_escape)
$replaced_string = str_replace("'","''",$string_to_escape);
$replaced_string = str_replace("%","[%]",$replaced_string);
$replaced_string = str_replace("_","[_]",$replaced_string);
return $replaced_string;
/* End Of File */