Since you are on Java 8, this will be an ideal exercise for getting familiarized with the new stream-based processing approach. For example, instead of using an explicit `for`-loop: for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (map.containsKey(s.charAt(i))) { // ... } } You can call [`String.chars()`][1] to give you an `IntStream` of '`int` zero-extending the `char` values', or in other words a stream of characters. Then, you only need to call [`Stream.collect()`][2] with a combination of [`Collectors.groupingBy()`][3] and [`Collectors.counting()`][4] to give you the resulting `Map` instance with the count-per-character: Map<Character, Long> result = input.chars().boxed().collect(Collectors.groupingBy( c -> Character.valueOf((char) c.intValue()), Collectors.counting())); For the first argument of `Collectors.groupingBy()`, we are mapping our `Integer` objects (which have been `boxed()` from the `IntStream`) to `Character` instances. Again, instead of looping on `result.entrySet()`, we can apply another set of stream operations on it. First, we can define a `Comparator` that will compare an `Entry` object by the value: private static final Comparator<Entry<? extends Object, Long>> RANK_BY_VALUE = Comparator .comparingLong(Entry::getValue); Then, we will sort the stream of map entries with the *reverse* of this `Comparator` so that the characters with the most occurrences are ranked first: Entry<Character, Long> entry = result.entrySet().stream() .sorted(RANK_BY_VALUE.reversed()).findFirst().get(); Putting all these together into its own method: private static Entry<Character, Long> getMaxOccurrenceCharacter(String input) { return input.chars().boxed().collect( Collectors.groupingBy( c -> Character.valueOf((char) c.intValue()), Collectors.counting())).entrySet().stream() .sorted(RANK_BY_VALUE.reversed()).findFirst().get(); } And here's an example of how you can make use of this method: public static void main(String[] args) { Entry<Character, Long> result = getMaxOccurrenceCharacter("abc"); System.out.printf("The character \"%s\" is repeated %d time(s).\n", result.getKey(), result.getValue()); } // result The character "a" is repeated 1 time(s). --- Other pointers from your code: * Java's bracing convention is to put the opening brace on the same line, instead of what you have used (mostly). *More importantly*, have a consistent convention in your codebase. :) If you are more inclined to your current way, then do so throughout. * `HashMap<Character, Integer> map` should be declared using the `Map` interface, for simplification. * The method name `getMaxViaHashmap()` can be improved upon, as there should not be a need to tell callers *how* the derivation is done (`ViaHashmap`). * If your method is meant to be used *solely* for the derivation, it should not print output to `System.out`. From my example above, I get the results out first, then display it to the user. * Even if you want to do the equivalent of this manually: if (map.containsKey(key)) { map.put(key, map.get(key) + newValue); } else { map.put(key, newValue); } There are the newer [`Map.compute()`][5] or [`Map.merge()`][6] methods to help you. For example: // input being the String Map<Character, Long> result = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { result.merge(Character.valueOf(input.charAt(i)), 1L, (a, b) -> a + b); } **edit**: [@Misha]('s answer is a welcome improvement to mine, do take a look at that too. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: