I have implemented Dijkstra algorithm to perform Shortest Path problem.


Adjacency List(Directed Graph): Description is like that

**{Source Node, {edge_1, .. , edge_N}}**

Cost Matrix (Same format as Adjacency List)

Queue: Priority Queue

Input to "Shortest Path" method are Start Node, End Node; it returns -1 if
there is no path from Source Node to Target Node, else it returns the cost of the minimum path selected.

    #include <algorithm>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <limits>
    #include <queue>
    #include <tuple>
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <vector>
    namespace {
    constexpr int ZERO_DISTANCE_VALUE = 0;
    constexpr int INFINITY_VALUE = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    } // namespace
    using NodeType = int;
    using CostType = int;
    using AdjacencyListType = std::vector<std::vector<NodeType>>;
    using DistanceVector = std::vector<NodeType>;
    using QueueType = std::queue<NodeType>;
    using CostEdgeVector = std::vector<std::vector<CostType>>;
    using CostNodeTuple = std::tuple<NodeType, CostType>;
    using DistanceMatrixType = std::vector<CostType>;
    class Graph {
      explicit Graph(const AdjacencyListType &input_list,
                     const CostEdgeVector &input_cost_list)
          : adjancecy_list(input_list), cost_list(input_cost_list) {}
      struct QueueComparator {
        bool operator()(const CostNodeTuple &left, const CostNodeTuple &right) {
          return std::get<1>(left) < std::get<1>(right);
      int shortest_path(const int &source, const int &target) {
        int result = 0;
        if (source == target)
          return result;
        if (!is_valid_node(source))
          return -1;
        std::vector<int> distance_node(adjancecy_list.size(), INFINITY_VALUE);
        distance_node[source] = 0;
        queue.emplace(std::make_tuple(source, 0));
        while (!queue.empty()) {
          const auto &current_node = queue.top();
          const NodeType &current_node_index = std::get<0>(current_node);
          const auto &sub_node_vector = adjancecy_list.at(current_node_index);
          const auto &sub_node_cost = cost_list.at(current_node_index);
          const int &current_distance_cost = distance_node.at(current_node_index);
          for (NodeType index = 0; index < sub_node_vector.size(); ++index) {
            const auto &child_index = sub_node_vector.at(index);
            const int relaxation_value =
                current_distance_cost + sub_node_cost.at(index);
            if ((distance_node.at(child_index) > relaxation_value)) {
              distance_node[child_index] = relaxation_value;
              queue.emplace(std::make_tuple(child_index, relaxation_value));
        try {
          const auto &target_distance = distance_node.at(target);
          result = target_distance == INFINITY_VALUE ? -1 : target_distance;
        } catch (...) {
          result = -1;
        return result;
      bool is_valid_node(const NodeType &node) {
        return node < adjancecy_list.size();
      std::priority_queue<std::tuple<NodeType, int>,
                          std::vector<std::tuple<NodeType, int>>, QueueComparator>
      const CostEdgeVector &cost_list;
      const AdjacencyListType &adjancecy_list;
    int main() {
      AdjacencyListType cost_vector;
      CostEdgeVector adjancecy_list;
      NodeType source_node = 0;
      NodeType target_node = 0;
      Graph graph(adjancecy_list, cost_vector);
      const auto result = graph.shortest_path(source_node, target_node);
      std::cout << "Shortest Path value: " << result << std::endl;
      return 0;