Let's look at the code first

    List<string> list = new List<string> { "({[]})", "][(]}})(" };

- Poor choice of variable name. You picked `expression` just a little below, that is a good one. Why not use the plural form of it: `expressions`?

<!-- -->

    foreach (var barcketsList in list)

- `barcketsList` contains a typo, not a big deal usually. However, you should pay some more attention for an interview.
- `bracket-s` + `List` you really don't want hinting this is an array/collection/list twice.

<!-- -->

    foreach (var barcketsList in list)
    // <- unnecessary white line

- Don't leave white line just anywhere within a method in your code. They should be used to divide the logical blocks, eg: declaration/initialization vs logic vs return, logic#1 vs logic#2

<!-- -->

	string expression = barcketsList;
	Stack<char> stack = new Stack<char>();
	char[] symbols = expression.ToCharArray();

- A temporary variable `expression` is not necessary here. In fact, both this and `barcketsList` is only used once. You can substitute one by the other.
- Use `var` when you can, it makes the variable names aligned thus making scanning easier. The variable name itself or its right-hand side assignment should give enough clue usually, plus you can always mouse-over with intellisense.

<!-- fix: code block -->

    for (int start = 0; start < symbols.Count(); start++)
    	char temp = symbols[start];

- Since you are just using the index (`start`) to get the char, you can use a `foreach`-loop here

<!-- fix: code block -->

	if (stack.Count == 0) //only closer no opening
		flagPrint = true;

- The use of `flagPrint` here to escape the default final output is a bit more of a hack. For instance, since you are using `stack.Any()` to check for balance, you can push the closing bracket and `break` out of the loop to achieve the same behavior. You can also take an another approach and extract a `IsBalanced` out of existing code and use `return`.

<!-- fix: code block -->

	if (!stack.Any() && !flagPrint)
	else if (!flagPrint)

- If we were to keep the flag, this part can be reduced to:

		if (!flagPrint)
			Console.WriteLine(!stack.Any() ? "YES" : "NO");

What is not in the code

- `IsBalanced` is not in a separated method.
- Lack of argument checking/error handling


    public void CheckAllExpressionsAreBalanced()
        var expressions = new List<string> { "({[]})", "][(]}})(" };
        foreach (var expression in expressions)
            //Console.WriteLine("Expression `{0}` {1} balanced.",
            //    expression,
            //    IsBalanced(expression) ? "is" : "is not");
            Console.WriteLine(IsBalanced(expression) ? "YES" : "NO");
    // Define other methods and classes here
    public bool IsBalanced(string expression)
        // argument validation
        if (expression == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
        // definition
        var brackets = new[] { "()", "{}", "[]" };
        var pairedBrackets = brackets.ToDictionary(x => x[0], x => x[1]);
        // non-bracket characters doesn't affect the result,
        // so we can filter them out to make the flow simpler
        Func<char, bool> isBracket = c => pairedBrackets.ContainsKey(c) || pairedBrackets.ContainsValue(c);
        // implementation
        var stack = new Stack<char>();
        foreach (var c in expression.Where(isBracket))
            var isOpening = pairedBrackets.ContainsKey(c);
            var pair = isOpening
                ? pairedBrackets[c]
                : pairedBrackets.First(x => x.Value == c).Key;
            if (isOpening)
                // closing bracket with empty stack
                if (!stack.Any())
                    return false;
                // closing bracket doesnt match last opening bracket
                if (stack.Peek() != pair)
                    return false;
                // matched
        return true;

EDIT: I skipped the requirements...  
EDIT2: Updated `IsBalanced` to accept non-bracket characters input. As @HenrikHansen points out, it doesn't make sense to throw an exception.