> How does it look? 

Not so good.

1. Not thread safe.

2. Does not handle negative numbers well.

3. Forms `""` with 0.

4. Prone to buffer overflow.

5. `itoa()` is not a standard function, yet it commonly returns a pointer.

A test harness

    int main(void) {
      char buf[100];
      int test[] = {123, 456, 0, - 42, INT_MAX, INT_MIN};
      int n = sizeof test / sizeof *test;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        itoa(test[i], buf);
        printf("%-11d <%s>\n", test[i], buf);
      return 0;


    123         <123>
    456         <456>
    0           <>
    -42         <,.>
    2147483647  <2147483647>
    -2147483648 <./,),(-*,(>


> It is not thread-safe due to the static, but is that an issue for a function such as this? 

Yes.  Thread safety is expected.


> If so, how could I update that? What other ways could I make improvements to it?

I really do not think this is a good place to use recursion given the potential for buffer overflow is a fair complication.

But if one _must_ use recursion, consider adding error checking and test for various sorts of `int` including `0, INT_MAX, INT_MIN`.

    static char* itoa_helper(int number, size_t sz, char buffer[]) {
      if (sz == 0) {
        return NULL;
      if (number <= -10) {
        buffer = itoa_helper(number / 10, sz - 1, buffer);
        if (buffer == NULL) {
          return NULL;
        number %= 10;
      *buffer = (char) ('0' - number);
      return buffer + 1;
    char* itoa_recursive_alt(int number, size_t sz, char buffer[sz]) {
      if (sz == 0 || buffer == NULL) {
        return NULL;
      char *s = buffer;
      if (number >= 0) {
        // Flip pos numbers to neg as neg range is greater.
        number = -number;
      } else {
        if (sz == 0) {
          *buffer = '\0';
          return NULL;
        *s++ = '-';
      s = itoa_helper(number, sz-1, s);
      if (s == NULL) {
        *buffer = '\0';
        return NULL;
      *s = 0;
      return buffer;
    int main(void) {
      char buf[100];
      int test[] = {123, 456, 0, -42, INT_MAX, INT_MIN};
      int n = sizeof test / sizeof *test;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // char *s = itoa_recursive_alt(test[i], sizeof buf, buf);
        char *s = itoa_recursive_alt(test[i], sizeof buf, buf);
        if (s == NULL)
          s = "NULL";
        printf("%-11d <%s> <%s>\n", test[i], s, buf);
      return 0;


    123         <123> <123>
    456         <456> <456>
    0           <0> <0>
    -42         <-42> <-42>
    2147483647  <2147483647> <2147483647>
    -2147483648 <-2147483648> <-2147483648>