Assembler: NASM
Architecture: x86(I believe)

I am fairly new to Assembly language programming and, for practice, I gave myself a problem.

The problem is to count down from 10 and right after 1, say "Blast off!"

Here is my code:

    section .text
    	global _start
    	mov eax, '10' ; asci 10
    	mov [num], eax ; num now equals ascii 10
    	mov edx, 2
    	mov ecx, num
    	mov ebx, 1
    	mov eax, 4
    	int 80h ; prints out '10' in the console
    	mov eax, 9 ; numerical 9
    	call subtract
    	call log ; logs the current number
    	sub eax, 1 ; subract 1
    	cmp eax, 0
    	jne subtract ; if it doesn't equal 0, jump to subtract
    	je blast_off ; if it does equal 0, jump to blast off
    	call to_ascii ; converts eax's value to ascii
    	mov [num], eax ; num = eax
    	mov edx, 1
    	mov ecx, num
    	mov ebx, 1
    	mov eax, 4
    	int 80h ; output the current number
    	call to_number ; converts eax back to numerical
    	mov eax, [num] ; is this necessary? Moves num back into eax
    	sub eax, '0' ; converts to numerical
    	add eax, '0' ; converts to ascii
    	mov edx, len
    	mov ecx, msg
    	mov ebx, 1
    	mov eax, 4
    	int 80h ; outputs "Blast off!"
    	mov eax, 1
    	int 80h ; exits program
    section .data
    	msg db "Blast off!", 0xA ; message
    	len equ $-msg ; length of message
    section .bss
    	num resb 1 ; this is for outputting the current number

Output: 1098654321Blast off!

**Assembled**: nasm -f elf blast_off.s

**Linked**: ld -m elf_i386 -s -o blast_off blast_off.o

My main concerns are:

1. My code seems functional - is this bad, or does it not really matter, being assembly language?
2. Is there repetition? This was a very difficult challenge for me, and at times I lost my head - sometime during those times I might have typed something completely "off topic" in regards to the subject of the code
3. Aside from the first concern, does the organization need re-organizing? As in, should I reorder the different sections(.test, .data, .bss)? Or, does it not make a difference?