Edit: Well my previous suggestions don't work with the fact that
`get_response` has to be called with the correct timezone active.


- Is the `time_zone` attribute from `GeoIP2` always compatible with
  `pytz` btw.?

Perhaps the following would work, verifying the cookie value only once
and discarding it if it doesn't fit:

    cookie = request.COOKIES.get(TIMEZONE_COOKIE_NAME)
    if cookie not in pytz.all_timezones_set:
        cookie = None

    if not cookie and request.ip:
            cookie = GeoIP2().city(request.ip).time_zone
        except GeoIP2Error:
            self.logger.warning('Could not determine time zone of ip address: %s', request.ip)

    if cookie:

    response = self.get_response(request)
    if cookie:
        response.set_cookie(TIMEZONE_COOKIE_NAME, cookie)
    return response

So, downside is a lot of mentions of `cookie`, upside is that it's not
more costly what you had before and the timezone is only set once.


Last point, if anything like this happens to be needed more than once,
put it into separate functions.  This snippet is a bit short to make
that call.