As the code is similar, they can be merged together.

I'll suggest you to break down the functions into smaller reusable chunks which will follow the [Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)][1]. These functions will be testable and reusable.

Both functions are

 1. Adding a delay of 500 milliseconds
 2. Selecting elements from provided page
 3. Clicking the first element from the collection
 4. Finding an element from its ancestor and returning the `innerText` of it.

As these are the steps, we can similarly divide those functions into smaller functions each doing the task of one step above.

For first step (to add delay) I've not created a new function as I guess that is already created in utils module.

The first function (Step #2) will select the elements from the page using the provided `xpath` and return the first of them.

    function getFirstVisiblePublication(page, xpath) {

        var elements = page.EvaluateXpath(xpath);
        return elements[0];

The second function combines Steps #3 & #4; as #3 only requires to click the element I haven't created new function.

The below function will accept the `page` in which the target element is to be searched and `xpath` of the element. This will call the above function to get the first element and click it.

This function will return the text/label of the anchor element which is obtained by using the first element's ancestors.

    function getFirstVisiblePublicationAnchorLabel(page, xpath) {
        // Get first element
        var firstElement = getFirstVisiblePublication(page, xpath);

        return firstElement.parent.parent.FindChildByXPath('//a').textContent;

Function can be called as follows:

    var hideButtonXpath = "//img[@title='To hide this item in your profile, mark it as invisible']";
    var publicationTitle = getFirstVisiblePublicationAnchorLabel(PageObj, hideButtonXpath);
