I got rejected in tech screen yesterday. I was asked to write a JavaScript function and send it over email. I have also added hiring manager's response at the bottom.

> Could you please write a JavaScript function to compare two strings that look like phone numbers and indicate whether the digits in both strings match? (To be clear, while the input *looks* like phone numbers, this question doesn't care how phones/telephony/dialing works.) Your code should compare only the digits of the input, ignore any letters or punctuation, and ignore the fact that country/area codes can be optional. As an example, "(123) 456-7890" and "123.456.7890" match because both have the digits "1234567890" in that order, while "1-123-456-7890" and "123-456-7890" do not match (even though they'll probably reach the same person if dialed in the US).

I wasn't sure if regex would be an acceptable solution so I implemented it two ways. Please, let me know what I could have done better.

    "use strict"
    var CompareNumbers = function () {
        //#region private variables
        var _phoneNumber1;
        var _phoneNumber2;
        var _minPhoneLength = 1;
        var _validateResult;
        var _notValidMessage = "Not a valid Phone Number";
        var _successMessage = "Match";
        var _failureMessage = "Not a Match";
        var _inputArray1;
        var _inputArray2;
        var _numArray1;
        var _numArray2;
        //#region private functions
        //function using regex to remove spaces & braces etc
        var _compNumbersUsingRegex = function (input1, input2) {
            if (_validateInputs(input1, input2)) {
                _phoneNumber1 = input1.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '');
                _phoneNumber2 = input2.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '');
                if (_validateInputs(_phoneNumber1, _phoneNumber2)) {
                    if (_phoneNumber1 == _phoneNumber2) {
                        return _successMessage;
                    else {
                        return _failureMessage;
                return _notValidMessage;
            else {
                return _notValidMessage;
        //function using arrays for comparison
        var _compNumbersUsingArray = function (input1, input2) {
            if (_validateInputs(input1, input2)) {
                _inputArray1 = new Array();
                _inputArray2 = new Array();
                _inputArray1 = input1.split('');
                _numArray1 = new Array();
                for (var i = 0; i < _inputArray1.length; i++) {
                    if (!isNaN(_inputArray1[i]) && _inputArray1[i] != ' ') {
                _inputArray2 = input2.split('');
                _numArray2 = new Array();
                for (var i = 0; i < _inputArray2.length; i++) {
                    if (!isNaN(_inputArray2[i]) && _inputArray2[i] != ' ') {
                if (_validateInputs()) {
                    return _numArray1.toString() == _numArray2.toString() ? _successMessage : _failureMessage;
                else {
                    return _notValidMessage;
            else {
                return _notValidMessage;
        //Helper funciton to validate if inputs exceed a minimum number declared in variable section
        function _validateInputs(validate1, validate2) {
            if (validate1.length < _minPhoneLength || validate2.length < _minPhoneLength) {
                return false;
            else {
                return true;
        //#region public members
        var publics = {
            comparePhoneNumbers1: _compNumbersUsingArray,
            comparePhoneNumbers2: _compNumbersUsingRegex
        return publics;

The response that I got back from the hiring manager was:

> Thanks! I've looked over your code and think you captured the essence of the problem correctly. I like that you included both approaches - I prefer the _compNumbersUsingRegex implementation which is basically the one I like to see (regex+compare). That said, your resume shows you've been working with JavaScript in your current role, but some of the patterns I see in your code aren't quite in line with what I look for from senior developers on the team, so this role might not be the perfect match for you.