I decided to try and write a [Brainfuck][1] interpreter in C as an exercise. This could have been written in one file, but I decided to split it up into a State "class" and an some interpreter methods.

An example test-run with a [ROT13 implementation in Brainfuck][2]:

    const char* source_buffer = // Code in above link. Read from file in my test.
    // In the console

    Hello World!
    Uryyb Jbeyq!

I'd like suggestions on anything, but specifically:

 - I'm fairly new to C. I'd like to know if I'm still making any newbie mistakes.

 - A few parts of my interpreter/state separation feel clumsy. 99% of the state code requires no knowledge of the source code. `[` unfortunately has the potential to jump forwards, so unless I pre-compute all the possible jumps, I need access to the source so I can search for its matching `]`. I originally had the two `hande_loop_` functions in the state code, then moved it to the interpreter, then back to the state. As a consequences though, my interpreter function `dispatch_command` now requires access to the source, solely for `[`.

 - I needed a variable-sized stack to store the jump points, and decided on a linked list. It seems perfect here. Am I handling it OK?

 - The mismatched-brace handling logic is frustrating. The `handle_loop_` functions return `false` when they detect a mismatched brace. I need to manually feed this result all the way back to the main `interpret_with_state` function, just so I know whether an error happened. Exceptions would be perfect here, but obviously they aren't an option. Is there a better way of handling this?

It's broken up into 3 files: `helpers.c` (for safe allocation helpers), `state.c` and `interpreter.c`.




    #ifndef HELPERS_H
    #define HELPERS_H
    #include <stdlib.h>
    // Prints an error message to stderr if ptr is NULL
    // Message is in the form "Could not allocate space for %s.".
    void ensure_allocation(const void* ptr, const char* allocation_reason);
    // Attempts to allocate the requested amount of memory and asserts the validity of the
    //  returned pointer using ensure_allocation before returning
    void* terminating_malloc(size_t bytes, const char* allocation_reason);


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "helpers.h"
    void ensure_allocation(const void* ptr, const char* allocation_reason) {
        if (!ptr) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate space for %s.", allocation_reason);
    void* terminating_malloc(size_t bytes, const char* allocation_reason) {
        void* const ptr = malloc(bytes);
        ensure_allocation(ptr, allocation_reason);
        return ptr;




    #ifndef STATE_H
    #define STATE_H
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    typedef unsigned char Cell_Type;
    typedef struct Jump_Node {
        size_t jump_position;
        struct Jump_Node* next;
    } Jump_Node;
    typedef struct {
        size_t instruction_pointer;
        size_t cell_pointer;
        Cell_Type* cell_buffer;
        size_t buffer_length;
        Jump_Node* jump_nodes_head;
    } State;
    void init_state(State*, size_t buffer_length);
    // Initializes it with a buffer with the length of STANDARD_CELL_BUFFER_LENGTH
    void init_standard_state(State*);
    void advance_instruction_pointer(State*);
    void increment_current_cell(State*); // +
    void decrement_current_cell(State*); // -
    // bool returns indicate whether or not the new cell pointer is "inbounds"
    bool move_cell_pointer_left(State*); // <
    bool move_cell_pointer_right(State*); // >
    Cell_Type get_current_cell(State*); // .
    void set_current_cell(State*, Cell_Type new_cell_contents); // ,
    // Return false and have no effect if a matching brace isn't found, and it was required for operation
    // Return true otherwise
    bool handle_loop_start(State*, const char* source); // [
    bool handle_loop_end(State*); // ]
    // Frees the cell_buffer and the jump nodes; not the State pointer
    void free_state(const State*);


    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "helpers.h"
    #include "state.h"
    // ----- Jump Nodes -----
    static void init_jump_node(Jump_Node* node, size_t position, Jump_Node* next_node) {
        node->jump_position = position;
        node->next = next_node;
    static void free_jump_nodes(const Jump_Node* head) {
        const Jump_Node* current = head;
        while (current) {
            Jump_Node* next = current->next;
            current = next;
    // ----- State -----
    void init_state(State* state, size_t buffer_length) {
        size_t const buffer_size = sizeof(Cell_Type) * buffer_length;
        Cell_Type* const cell_buffer = terminating_malloc(buffer_size, "cell buffer");
        memset(cell_buffer, 0, buffer_size);
        state->instruction_pointer = 0;
        state->cell_pointer = 0;
        state->cell_buffer = cell_buffer;
        state->buffer_length = buffer_length;
        state->jump_nodes_head = NULL;
    void init_standard_state(State* state) {
        init_state(state, STANDARD_CELL_BUFFER_LENGTH);
    void advance_instruction_pointer(State* state) {
    static void add_to_current_cell(State* state, Cell_Type n_to_add) {
        size_t const cell_ptr = state->cell_pointer;
        state->cell_buffer[cell_ptr] += n_to_add;
    void increment_current_cell(State* state) {
        add_to_current_cell(state, 1);
    void decrement_current_cell(State* state) {
        add_to_current_cell(state, -1);
    static bool move_cell_pointer_by(State* state, int move_by) {
        state->cell_pointer += move_by;
        size_t const c_ptr = state->cell_pointer;
        return c_ptr > 0 && c_ptr < state->buffer_length;
    bool move_cell_pointer_left(State* state) {
        return move_cell_pointer_by(state, -1);
    bool move_cell_pointer_right(State* state) {
        return move_cell_pointer_by(state, 1);
    Cell_Type get_current_cell(State* state) {
        const size_t cell_ptr = state->cell_pointer;
        return state->cell_buffer[cell_ptr];
    static bool current_cell_is_zero(State* state) {
        return get_current_cell(state) == 0;
    void set_current_cell(State* state, Cell_Type new_cell_contents) {
        const size_t cell_ptr = state->cell_pointer;
        state->cell_buffer[cell_ptr] = new_cell_contents;
    // Returns the index in the source of the brace matching the opening brace at the given position.
    // Returns -1 if a matching brace isn't found.
    static int matching_brace_position(size_t opening_brace_position, const char* source) {
        int depth = 1;
        for (int i = opening_brace_position + 1; ; i++) {
            const char command = source[i];
            if (command == '\0') {
                return -1;
            } else if (command == '[') {
                depth += 1;
            } else if (command == ']') {
                depth -= 1;
                if (depth == 0) {
                    return i;
    bool handle_loop_start(State* state, const char* source) {
        if (current_cell_is_zero(state)) { // Skip the loop
            const int pos = matching_brace_position(state->instruction_pointer, source);
            if (pos == -1) {
                return false;
            } else {
                state->instruction_pointer = pos;
        } else { // Set a jump back point
            Jump_Node* const node = terminating_malloc(sizeof(Jump_Node), "jump node");
            init_jump_node(node, state->instruction_pointer, state->jump_nodes_head);
            state->jump_nodes_head = node;
        return true;
    bool handle_loop_end(State* state) {
        const Jump_Node* const popped_jump = state->jump_nodes_head;
        if (popped_jump) {
            if (current_cell_is_zero(state)) {
                state->jump_nodes_head = popped_jump->next;
            } else {
                size_t const recorded_position = popped_jump->jump_position;
                state->instruction_pointer = recorded_position;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    void free_state(const State* state) {
    static void dbg_set_cell(State* state, size_t cell_ptr, Cell_Type contents) {
        state->cell_buffer[cell_ptr] = contents;




    #ifndef INTERPRETER_H
    #define INTERPRETER_H
    #include <stdio.h>
    // Interpret the supplied code either using the standard io streams, or the supplied ones.
    void interpret(const char* code, FILE* in_stream, FILE* out_stream);
    void interpret_with_std_io(const char* code);


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    #include "state.h"
    #include "interpreter.h"
    #include "helpers.h"
    // Returns a wrapped cell_pointer in the range 0 <= cell_pointer < buffer_size
    // Requires that cell_pointer isn't more than buffer_size out of bounds.
    static size_t wrap_cell_pointer(int signed_cell_pointer, size_t buffer_size) {
        int const scp = signed_cell_pointer;
        if (scp < 0) {
            return buffer_size + scp;
        } else if (scp >= (int)buffer_size) {
            return scp - buffer_size;
        } else {
            return scp;
    static void wrap_state_cell_pointer(State* state) {
        state->cell_pointer = wrap_cell_pointer(state->cell_pointer, state->buffer_length);
    // Gets input from the supplied stream
    // Returns a falsey null character if the input was out of range
    // RELIES ON UCHAR_MAX!!! If Cell_Type is altered from an unsigned char,
    //  this must be changed accordingly!
    static Cell_Type read_input_from_stream(FILE* in_stream) {
        int const input = getc(in_stream);
        return (input > UCHAR_MAX || input < 0) ? '\0' : input;
    // This must also be changed if Cell_Type is changed!
    static void print_to_stream(FILE* out_stream, Cell_Type output) {
        fprintf(out_stream, "%c", output);
    static bool dispatch_command(State* state, char command, const char* source, FILE* in_stream, FILE* out_stream) {
        switch (command) {
            case '+':
            case '-':
            case '<':
            case '>':
            case '[': {
                const bool matching = handle_loop_start(state, source);
                if (!matching) {
                    puts("Unmatched [ found.\n");
                    return false;
            case ']': {
                bool const matching = handle_loop_end(state);
                if (!matching) {
                    puts("Unmatched ] found.\n");
                    return false;
            case ',': {
                Cell_Type const input = read_input_from_stream(in_stream);
                if (input) {
                    set_current_cell(state, input);
            case '.': {
                Cell_Type const output = get_current_cell(state);
                print_to_stream(out_stream, output);
        return true;
    static void interpret_with_state(State* state, const char* source, FILE* in_stream, FILE* out_stream) {
        while (true) {
            char const command = source[state->instruction_pointer];
            if (command == '\0') {
            } else {
                bool const evald_ok = dispatch_command(state, command, source, in_stream, out_stream);
                if (!evald_ok) {
    void interpret(const char* code, FILE* in_stream, FILE* out_stream) {
        State state;
        interpret_with_state(&state, code, in_stream, out_stream);
    void interpret_with_std_io(const char* code) {
        interpret(code, stdin, stdout);

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck
  [2]: http://www.hevanet.com/cristofd/brainfuck/rot13.b