Yesterday I posted [this question](  Since then, I've updated my code to incorporate [these]( suggestions.  I've also removed the dependence on C++11.  Finally, I've made the following changes that get me closer to my overall goal:

* Rather than iterate over different values for `dt` within my script, I have `dt` specified on the command line.  Specifically, an integer is specified on the command line that corresponds to (1 +) an index in `dt_array`.  This allows me to process different values of `dt` in parallel using the Sun Grid Engine.

* Rather than use a single value for `I_syn_bar`, I now iterate over 100 values of `I_syn_bar`.

If you read through the current state of my script below, you'll see that I'm writing to disk 100 text files per `dt`.  When I set `n_x` to 2 instead of 100, the script is very fast: 6 s on my machine.  But when I set `n_x` to 100, and submit the script as a job to the SGE, it takes ~1 hour to complete (more than 6 s * 50).  Hence, there seems to be some penalty being imposed on me for the heavy file I/O I'm using (in addition to the general SGE overhead).

**My goal now is to change the code so that I'm writing the data for all 100 values of `I_syn_bar`, but in fewer files.**  I have a 2D matrix for each value of `I_syn_bar`.  In order to write data for multiple values of `I_syn_bar` to the same text file, I need a 3D object of some kind (and a strategy for writing this object to file).  Another constraint I have is that I need these files to be able to be read into Python.


    #include <math.h>
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iterator>
    #include <Eigen/Dense>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sstream>
    using Eigen::MatrixXd;
    using Eigen::ArrayXd;
    bool save_mat(const MatrixXd& pdata, const std::stringstream& file_path)
      std::ofstream os(file_path.str().c_str());
      if (!os.is_open())
          std::cout << "Failure!" << std::endl;
          return false;
      const int n_rows = pdata.rows();
      const int n_cols = pdata.cols();
      for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; i++)
          for (int j = 0; j < n_cols; j++)
              os << pdata(i, j);
              if (j + 1 == n_cols)
                  os << std::endl;
                  os << ",";
      return true;
    std::string get_save_file()
      std::string dan_dir;
      struct stat statbuf;
      if (stat("/home/daniel", &statbuf) == 0 && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
          dan_dir = "/home/daniel/Science";
      else if (stat("/home/dan", &statbuf) == 0 && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
          dan_dir = "/home/dan/Science";
      else if (stat("/home/despo", &statbuf) == 0 && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
          dan_dir = "/home/despo/dbliss";
      std::string save_file = "/dopa_net/results/hansel/test/test_hansel";
      save_file = dan_dir + save_file;
      return save_file;
    double f(const double t, const double tau_1, const double tau_2)
      return tau_2 / (tau_1 - tau_2) * (exp(-t / tau_1) - exp(-t / tau_2));
    ArrayXd set_initial_V(const double tau, const double g_L, const double I_0,
                          const double theta, const double V_L, const int N,
                          const double c)
      const double T = -tau * log(1 - g_L / I_0 * (theta - V_L));
      ArrayXd V(N);
      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
          V(i) = V_L + I_0 / g_L * (1 - exp(-c * (i - 1) / N * T / tau));
      return V;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      // Declare variables set inside loops below.
      double t;
      double I_syn_bar;
      int i;
      std::stringstream complete_save_file;
      // Declare and initialize constant parameters.
      const int n_x = 100;
      const double x_min = 0;   // uA / cm^2.
      const double x_max = 1;   // uA / cm^2.
      const double x_step = (x_max - x_min) / (n_x - 1);  // uA / cm^2.
      const double tau_1 = 3.0;  // ms.
      const double tau_2 = 1.0;  // ms.
      const int N = 128;
      const double dt_array[3] = {0.25, 0.1, 0.01};  // ms.
      const char* task_id = argv[argc - 1];
      const int task_id_int = task_id[0] - '0';
      const double dt = dt_array[task_id_int - 1];
      const double tau = 10;  // ms.
      const double g_L = 0.1;  // mS / cm^2.
      const double I_0 = 2.3;  // uA / cm^2.
      const double theta = -40;  // mV.
      const double V_L = -60;  // mV.
      const double c = 0.5;
      const double C = 1;  // uF / cm^2.
      const int sim_t = 10000;  // ms.
      const int n_t = sim_t / dt;
      const std::string save_file = get_save_file();
      // Save V for each I_syn_bar, for the dt specified on the command line.
      for (double I_syn_bar = x_min; I_syn_bar < x_max; I_syn_bar += x_step)
          MatrixXd V(N, n_t);
          V.col(0) = set_initial_V(tau, g_L, I_0, theta, V_L, N, c);
          double I_syn = 0;  // uA / cm^2.
          ArrayXd t_spike_array = ArrayXd::Zero(N);
          i = 1;
          for (double t = dt; t < sim_t; t += dt)
              ArrayXd prev_V = V.col(i - 1).array();
              ArrayXd current_V = prev_V + dt * (-g_L * (prev_V - V_L) + I_syn +
                                                 I_0) / C;
              V.col(i) = current_V;
              I_syn = 0;
              for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                  if (current_V(j) > theta)
                      t_spike_array(j) = t;
                      V(j, i) = V_L;
                  I_syn += I_syn_bar / N * f(t - t_spike_array(j), tau_1, tau_2);
          complete_save_file << save_file << dt << "_" << I_syn_bar << ".txt";
          save_mat(V, complete_save_file);
      return 0;

Timing Information
    | n_x | command-line arg | SGE? | Time      |
    | 2   |         1        | no   | 6 s       |
    | 2   |         1        | yes  | 30 s      |
    | 100 |         1        | no   | 10 m 16 s |
    | 100 |         1        | yes  | 53 m 5 s  |