you should be consistent in your use of brackets on your loops, the first two don't use brackets for one-liners but the others do? **I suggest that you always use brackets** for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_GENERIC_ARRAY; i++) Array[i] = i + 1; And for (int i = 2; i < SIZE_OF_FIBONACCI_ARRAY; i++) Array[i] = Array[i - 1] + Array[i - 2]; Versus for (i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_GENERIC_ARRAY; i++) { sumOfElements += Array[i]; } And for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_GENERIC_ARRAY; i++) { tempSum += pow((Array[i] - mean(Array, SIZE_OF_GENERIC_ARRAY)), 2); } --- there are other fluke formatting issues which I am sure have something to do with typos or copy paste issues as well... if (sequenceType == 'G' || sequenceType == 'g') { fillGenericArray(SIZE_OF_GENERIC_ARRAY); outputMean(); outputStandardDeviation(); } else if (sequenceType == 'F' || sequenceType == 'f') { fillFibonacciArray(SIZE_OF_FIBONACCI_ARRAY); outputMean(); outputStandardDeviation(); } else cout << "\n" << "Invalid input. Please type 'F' or 'G'. Thank you."; - Carriage returns in between elements of the if statement - No brackets on the else statement - Bad indentation on the if statement this is what it should look like if (sequenceType == 'G' || sequenceType == 'g') { fillGenericArray(SIZE_OF_GENERIC_ARRAY); outputMean(); outputStandardDeviation(); } else if (sequenceType == 'F' || sequenceType == 'f') { fillFibonacciArray(SIZE_OF_FIBONACCI_ARRAY); outputMean(); outputStandardDeviation(); } else { cout << "\n" << "Invalid input. Please type 'F' or 'G'. Thank you."; } --- I don't know how to code it, but I think it can be done, you should convert the input to uppercase and then just check for `'G'` or `'F'` it would eliminate an extra check, but at what cost I do not know. so I would convert the input to upper case and then eliminate the check for a lowercase letter. sequenceType = ToUpper[sequenceType]; if (sequenceType == 'G') { fillGenericArray(SIZE_OF_GENERIC_ARRAY); outputMean(); outputStandardDeviation(); } else if (sequenceType == 'F') { fillFibonacciArray(SIZE_OF_FIBONACCI_ARRAY); outputMean(); outputStandardDeviation(); } else { cout << "\n" << "Invalid input. Please type 'F' or 'G'. Thank you."; }