Please review my Bash code to create an authenticated, all privileged MySQL user plus a DB with the same name, through the MySQL CLI:

    read -sp "DB user password:" dbrootp_1
    read -sp "DB user password:" dbuserp_2

    read -sp "DB user password:" dbrootp_1
    read -sp "DB user password:" dbuserp_2

    if [ "$dbrootp_1" != "$dbrootp_2" ]; then
        echo >&2 "foos did not match"
        exit 1

    if [ "$dbuserp_1" != "$dbuserp_2" ]; then
        echo >&2 "foos did not match"
        exit 1

    # --------------------------------------------------------------- #

    cat <<-DBSTACK | mysql -u root -p"$dbrootp"
    	CREATE USER "$domain"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "$dbuserp";
    	CREATE DATABASE "$domain";
    	GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON "$domain".* TO "$domain"@"localhost";