Please review the following code and list all the coding errors and poor coding practices that you can see in this code. function output() { // Check authorization if(is_authorized()) { $authorized = true; include('/path/to/' . $_REQUEST['module'] . '.php'); } echo "<ul>" $conn = mysql_connect( "", "dbyuser", "dbpassWd" ); mysql_select_db( "kum", $conn ); // selects a database $q = " SELECT * FROM main WHERE id > " . $_GET["id"]. ";"; $res = mysql_query( $q, $conn); while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $res ) ) { echo "<li>".$row['description']."</li>"; } echo "</ul><br><ul>"; $q = " SELECT * FROM main WHERE id < " . $_GET["id"]. ";"; $res = mysql_query( $q, $conn); while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $res ) ) { // Display the status if it is authorized, otherwise display N/A echo "<li>".$row['description']. "(" . $authorized ? $row['status'] : "N/A" . ")</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; }