*Self-review for the follow-up question, which I will post in the following days.*

# Treat unset variables as an error when substituting

Add this to the beginning of the script:

    set -o nounset

# `[ "$#" -eq 0 ]` instead of `[ -z "$1" ]`

It seems testing number of arguments is a better approach than testing if the first argument is set. Also, I added:

    [ "$#" -gt 1 ] && echo "Multiple arguments are not supported!" && exit 1

for an obvious reason.

# As pointed out by Janos, put password file path into variable

And put it in the beginning of the script (maybe with a comment).

    # In order to compress many directories with the same password,
    # I decided to create a password file to avoid too many annoying prompts

# Test for the existence of the password file

It may happen that you migrate to a different platform and / or accidentally delete the file.

    [ ! -f "$passwd_file" ] && echo "The password file does not exist!" && exit 1

# You should also test for existence of the processed files

Like this, the comments are optional:

    # TAR is archiving the directory into the following temporary file,
    # it gets deleted on successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}" ] && echo "File ${backup_file} exists, exiting." && exit 1
    # XZ is compressing the archive into the following temporary file,
    # it gets deleted on successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}.xz" ] && echo "File ${backup_file}.xz exists, exiting." && exit 1
    # OpenSSL is decrypting the file (for verification) into the following temporary file,
    # it gets deleted on successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}.xz.dec" ] && echo "File ${backup_file}.xz.dec exists, exiting." && exit 1
    # OpenSSL is encrypting the compressed file into the following permanent file,
    # this is the result of successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}.xz.enc" ] && echo "File ${backup_file}.xz.enc exists, exiting." && exit 1
    # SHA512SUM is computing a hash sum of the encrypted file into the following permanent file,
    # this is the result of successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}.xz.enc.SHA512SUM" ] && echo "File ${backup_file}.xz.enc.SHA512SUM exists, exiting." && exit 1

# Define all common colors (optional)

It happens one might like a change and / or later wants to re-define the styling. So this may be good idea, just comment out the colors that you don't use.

    red=$(tput setaf 1)
    blue=$(tput setaf 4)
    cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
    green=$(tput setaf 2)
    white=$(tput setaf 7)
    yellow=$(tput setaf 3)
    magenta=$(tput setaf 5)

# As pointed out by Janos, color definitions should be renamed

> I would rename bold_red and bold_yellow to be more about the purpose than presentation.

And I agree:


# Again, as pointed out by Janos, there should be a helper printing function

> A helper function would be more convenient to print the headers for the steps, instead of blocks of `echo`s.

Like this, I added some leading and trailing coloring:

        echo "${action_number_color}$1${no_color}"

# There could be a helper error function too

For instance:

        echo "$1"
        exit 1

# There are too long lines of strings

Both in the code, and in the output. It could be simplified for example:

    print_action "1/7:${action_color}
        TAR is archiving the directory

# `tar --verify` for enhanced integrity

The man page says:

> -W, --verify: attempt to verify the archive after writing it

Just to note: I take it, this option is only usable when creating the archive, and not if later checking the integrity.

# `if`s can be completely pulled out of the whole script

More importantly, it makes the script more readable this way:

    tar --create --file="${backup_file}" "$1" --totals --verify ||
    print_error "TAR failed to archive the directory!"

# Too long lines of code could be split

There were also places where the code itself could be formatted in two lines simply with the already present `|` (pipe), which acts as delimiter too.

    pv --progress --timer --eta --rate --average-rate --bytes "${backup_file}.xz" |
    openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -salt -out "${backup_file}.xz.enc" -pass file:"$passwd_file" 2> /dev/null ||

    print_error "OpenSSL failed to encrypt the compressed file!"

# Average rate could further be added to the `pv` statement

As shown above, this could be somewhat useful to me at least if the file is very large.

# Remove `-W` parameter from `pv`

The `--wait` parameter is useless in case like this, where we are not waiting for user input. What's more, it caused `pv` not to output anything on small files.

# As pointed out by Janos, remove the `sha512sum --check`

Not only it is useless in this case, but it takes a few seconds. Better yet, you could replace it with showing the SHA-512 hash sum like this:

    awk '{ print $1 }' "${backup_file}.xz.enc.SHA512SUM"

# Use `cmp` with `--silent` parameter

As you are not interested in actual differences in those files, and only wish to check the return value of `cmp`, this is the right way:

    cmp --silent "${backup_file}.xz" "${backup_file}.xz.dec" &&
    echo "Files are identical." ||
    print_error "Failed to compare files!"

# Re-write awkward texts

I have re-written most of them, but one example:

> Comparing your un-encrypted, compressed, archived, directory file

could sound better as

> CMP is comparing the un-encrypted compressed file

# Current code looks like this

    # Treat unset variables as an error when substituting
    set -o nounset
    [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && echo "You need to give me one directory!" && exit 1
    [ "$#" -gt 1 ] && echo "Multiple arguments are not supported!" && exit 1
    [ ! -d "$1" ] && echo "This is not a directory!" && exit 1
    [ ! -w "$PWD" ] && echo "The current directory is not writable by you!" && exit 1
    # In order to compress many directories with the same password,
    # I decided to create a password file to avoid too many annoying prompts
    [ ! -f "$passwd_file" ] && echo "The password file does not exist!" && exit 1
    dir=$(basename "$1")
    today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
    # backup_dir="${dir}"
    # TAR is archiving the directory into the following temporary file,
    # it gets deleted on successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}" ] && echo "File ${backup_file} exists, exiting." && exit 1
    # XZ is compressing the archive into the following temporary file,
    # it gets deleted on successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}.xz" ] && echo "File ${backup_file}.xz exists, exiting." && exit 1
    # OpenSSL is decrypting the file (for verification) into the following temporary file,
    # it gets deleted on successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}.xz.dec" ] && echo "File ${backup_file}.xz.dec exists, exiting." && exit 1
    # OpenSSL is encrypting the compressed file into the following permanent file,
    # this is the result of successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}.xz.enc" ] && echo "File ${backup_file}.xz.enc exists, exiting." && exit 1
    # SHA512SUM is computing a hash sum of the encrypted file into the following permanent file,
    # this is the result of successful processing
    [ -f "${backup_file}.xz.enc.SHA512SUM" ] && echo "File ${backup_file}.xz.enc.SHA512SUM exists, exiting." && exit 1
    bold=$(tput bold)
    no_color=$(tput sgr0)
    red=$(tput setaf 1)
    #blue=$(tput setaf 4)
    #cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
    green=$(tput setaf 2)
    white=$(tput setaf 7)
    yellow=$(tput setaf 3)
    #magenta=$(tput setaf 5)
        echo "${action_number_color}$1${no_color}"
        echo "$1"
        exit 1
    print_action "1/7:${action_color}
        TAR is archiving the directory
    tar --create --file="${backup_file}" "$1" --totals --verify ||
    print_error "TAR failed to archive the directory!"
    print_action "2/7:${action_color}
        XZ is compressing the archive
    xz --format=xz --check=sha256 -9 --threads=8 --keep --verbose --extreme "${backup_file}" ||
    print_error "XZ failed to compress the backup file!"
    print_action "3/7:${action_color}
        OpenSSL is encrypting the compressed file
    pv --progress --timer --eta --rate --average-rate --bytes "${backup_file}.xz" |
    openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -salt -out "${backup_file}.xz.enc" -pass file:"$passwd_file" 2> /dev/null ||
    print_error "OpenSSL failed to encrypt the compressed file!"
    print_action "4/7:${action_color}
        SHA512SUM is computing a hash sum of the encrypted file
    sha512sum --binary "${backup_file}.xz.enc" > "${backup_file}.xz.enc.SHA512SUM" ||
    print_error "SHA512SUM failed to compute the hash sum!"
    awk '{ print $1 }' "${backup_file}.xz.enc.SHA512SUM"
    print_action "5/7:${action_color}
        OpenSSL is decrypting the file (for verification)
    pv --progress --timer --eta --rate --average-rate --bytes "${backup_file}.xz.enc" |
    openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -salt -out "${backup_file}.xz.dec" -d -pass file:"$passwd_file" 2> /dev/null ||
    print_error "OpenSSL failed to decrypt the encrypted file!"
    print_action "6/7:${action_color}
        CMP is comparing the un-encrypted compressed file
    cmp --silent "${backup_file}.xz" "${backup_file}.xz.dec" &&
    echo "Files are identical." ||
    print_error "Failed to compare files!" &&
    print_action "7/7:${action_color}
        Cleaning up"
    rm "${backup_file}" &&
    echo "${backup_file} removed"
    rm "${backup_file}.xz" &&
    echo "${backup_file}.xz removed"
    rm "${backup_file}.xz.dec" &&
    echo "${backup_file}.xz.dec removed"
    echo "${success_color}Your directory ${file_color}${dir}${success_color} has been successfully stored as ${file_color}${backup_file}.xz.enc${no_color}"
    exit 0

# And how it appears in Cygwin

[![backupdir script output look in Cygwin][1]][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/UAPLb.png