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How to optimize C# console application

i'm wondering is there any way to optimize this code? It must be able to work with big files, for example, formatting raw 140kb .txt file (12.5k words) takes 2 seconds (measured with Stopwatch class). Text example Maybe i used here some bad techniques or there is some part to simplify? Maybe multithreading? I'm not familiar with this yet. Would be grateful for help!

Code below:

class TextManipulations                                                         
    public string[] wordsDist;                                                  // main array, contains words in alphabetic order and output lines 

    public void TextFormat(string sourcePath)                                   // creating method that will format our source text according to task
        string textInput = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(sourcePath).ToLower();    // reading text from file, lowercased at start for precise search
        MatchCollection m = Regex.Matches(textInput, @"\b[\w']+\b");            // exact search of all alphanumeric "words" including words with apostrophe
        List<string> words = new List<string>();                                // creating List<T> for containing unknown amount of words
        foreach (Match match in m)                                              // assigning all matches to List<string>
        words.Sort();                                                           // sorting words in alphabetic order
        wordsDist = words.Distinct().ToArray();                                 // assigning words to main array without duplicates
        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"D:\output.txt", wordsDist);      // writing words into txt file to edit in setLineNumbers method

    public void setLineNumbers(string sourcePath)                               // creating method for adding line numbers
        string[] linesOutput = new string[wordsDist.Count()];                   // creating array that will contain line numbers
        string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(sourcePath);               // assigning source text by lines
        for (int j = 0; j < wordsDist.Count(); j++)                             // main cycle checking each word for presence in each line 
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count(); i++)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(lines[i].ToLower(), "\\b" + wordsDist[j] + "\\b"))   // using ToLower() here, because we can't use it in line 33
                    linesOutput[j] += (i + 1).ToString() + ", ";                // adding line numbers according to word

        for (int i = 0; i < wordsDist.Count(); i++)                             // connection of two relative arrays
            wordsDist[i] += "_______________________________" + linesOutput[i];
            wordsDist[i] = wordsDist[i].Remove(wordsDist[i].Length - 2);        // removing last ',' char
        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"D:\output.txt", wordsDist);      // writing final output result into txt file

