I am in need of a "debiased" clamp function, to generate a uniformly-distributed random number from a good PRNG.

Let's assume that `RNG` in the below code is a field containing an instance of a good (or good enough) PRNG such as PCG, Xoshiro, or MT, which produced a reasonably-uniform distribution of random integers.

public int GetClamped(int maxnum) {
    // maxnum is totally arbitrary here, and likely not a power of 2
    int cap = int.MaxValue / maxnum * maxnum;
    int r;
    do {
        r = RNG.NextPositiveInt();  // Returns a value in the range [0, int.MaxValue]
    } while (r >= cap);
    return r >= maxnum ? r % maxnum : r;

I wonder if this can be optimized further, seeing I have 2 divisions and a multiplication there.