I wanted to do some exercise and came up with the idea of a good challenge (for my level of course). I tried to implement LaPlace's algorithm for computing the determinant, recursively.

    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <vector>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int getMinimoCount = 0; //ignore these, just to keep track of the recursion.
    int calcDetCount = 0;
    void printMatrix ( vector< vector<double> > M) {
      //just does what it means
      int size = M.size();
      for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        cout << "\t";
        for( int j = 0; j < size; j++ ) {
          cout << M[i][j] << "\t"; }
        cout << endl << endl << endl; }
      cout << endl;
    vector< vector<double> > getMinimo( vector< vector<double> > src, int I, int J, int ordSrc ) {
      // Compute and return the minimum of the element I J
      // If the element is not in the Ith row or Jth column it will get copied to the minimum matrix
      vector< vector<double> > minimo( ordSrc-1, vector<double> (ordSrc-1,0));
      int rowCont = 0;
      for( int i=0; i < ordSrc; i++)
        int colCont = 0;
        if ( i != I ) { 
          for ( int j=0; j < ordSrc; j++)
            if ( j != J ) { 
              minimo[rowCont][colCont] = src[i][j];
              colCont++; }
          rowCont++; }
      return minimo;
    double calcDet( vector< vector<double> > src, int ord) {
      // Here be recursion. 
      if ( ord == 2 ) {
        double mainDiag = src[0][0] * src[1][1];
        double negDiag = src[1][0] * src[0][1];
        return mainDiag - negDiag; }
      else {
        double det = 0;
        for( int J = 0; J < ord; J++) 
          vector< vector<double> > min = getMinimo( src, 0, J, ord);
          if ( (J % 2) == 0 ) { det += src[0][J] * calcDet( min, ord-1); }
          else { det -= src[0][J] * calcDet( min, ord-1); }
        return det;
    int main() {
      // Just some UI to gather the matrix. not really convinced of this.
      int ord;
      cout << "############## MATRIX DET ##############" << endl << endl;
      cout << " Matrix order: "; cin >> ord; cout << endl;
      vector <vector<double> > mainMatrix( ord, vector<double> (ord, 0));
      cout << """ insert values one row at time. Top to bottom:\n\n""";
      for ( int countY = 0; countY < ord; countY++) {
        for ( int countX = 0; countX < ord; countX++) {
          cin >> mainMatrix[countY][countX];};
      cout << "############## MATRIX DET ##############" << endl << endl;
      cout << endl << endl << " This is the input matrix:" << endl << endl << endl;
      printMatrix( mainMatrix );
      cout << "############## MATRIX DET ##############" << endl << endl;
      cout << " Working...!" << endl;
      double det = calcDet( mainMatrix, ord );
      cout << endl << endl << "############## MATRIX DET ##############" << endl << endl;
      cout << " Det =\t" << det << endl << endl;
      cout << " getMinimo() chiamata: " << getMinimoCount << " volte" << endl;
      cout << " calcDet() chiamata: " << calcDetCount << " volte" << endl << endl;
      return 0;

The concept is simple: you have a matrix of order *n*. While doing this by hand you'd prefer chosing a row that's particularly math friendly; since it's a computer doing the dirty work it really doesn't care about what number he's multiplying.

Every element `m_IJ` of a matrix has a minor. A minor is the determinant of a matrix without the Ith row and the Jth column. With this we can define the det of a matrix like so:

    Sum (-1)^i+j * a_ij * M_ij

(where `M_ij` is the minimum of the element `a_ij`)

Once a matrix reach the order == 2 it just computes the determinant since is just a simple multiplication between 4 elements.

At first I had problems finding something that could be used as a matrix object and be passed around from one function to another. I tried bi-dimensional arrays, but they aren't dynamic and couldn't understand how I could pass an array object to a function. I was looking for some hidden matrix type or class to use but i had no luck what so ever.

I came up with "a vector of vectors" which worked but I'm not completely sure it's a really good idea. Not even counting that `vector <vector<double> >` looks awful.

Secondly, running some recursion tracking I found out that the time it takes ramps up so damn quickly:

 - Order 3 = 4 calls
 - Order 4 = 17 calls
 - Order 5 = 86 calls
 - ...
 - Order 10 = 2.606.501 calls

Although, even in the latter case, it doesn't take too much: 3 to 4 seconds. Is there a way to reduce the steepness of the curve? This way it gets out of hand way too soon.

I don't have a huge programming experience so I know almost nothing on optimization or good practice either. Since I have some fresh code to work with I'd like to know any error I might be doing and way to optimize this algorithm.

How costly is to cast a type? The (type) x type of cast to be clear.

What could be a better way to input a matrix from the user?