Use `camelCase` for local variable names. And, use a meaningful name if *possible*.

    //var List1 = new List<int>{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    var validNumbers = new List<int>{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

Use pluralized noun for variable of collection type.

    //var combo = ... /*combo contains all possible combinations, not just one*/
    var combos


 - You don't need to enumerate the numbers 1 to 9. A `Enumerable.Range` will do the job.
 - The chain of `!exceptions.Contains(x)` is rather inefficient and redundant. You can avoid them by removing the exceptions from the start with `IEnumerable.Except`.
 - You can reuse the same list in your LINQ.
 - You can reuse the same name for your lambdas given they are not within the same parentheses.  (Not really a big problem)

Result : 

    var validNumbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 9).Except(exceptions);
    var combos = (from a in validNumbers
                  from b in validNumbers
                  from b in validNumbers       // Cartesian product    
                  where a > b && b > c &&      // exclude duplicates
                        a + b + c == target    // add up to the target 
                  select new List<int>{ a, b , c})
                 .OrderByDescending(x => x[0]) 
                 .ThenByDescending(x => x[1])
                 .ThenByDescending(x => x[2]);


In the last 2 blocks of the code, `Console.Write` was repeatedly called within the `for loop`. You can join them together with `String.Join` before printing it to the console.

Results :

    foreach(var item in combos)
    	Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", item));
    Console.Write("excluding " + string.Join(" ", exceptions));

Final Code

This can be directly copied to LinqPad and ran.

	void Main()
		string buffer;
		int target, elementCount;
		//get target
		Console.WriteLine(">> Target is ..?");
		while(!int.TryParse(buffer = Console.ReadLine(), out target))
			Console.WriteLine("\tInvalid input : {0}", buffer);
		//get elementCount
		Console.WriteLine(">> Number of elements is ..?");
		while(!int.TryParse(buffer = Console.ReadLine(), out elementCount) ||
			  1 > elementCount || elementCount > 6)
			Console.WriteLine("\tInvalid input : {0}", buffer);
		Console.WriteLine(/*Empty Line*/);
		//get exceptions
		var validNumbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 9);
		IEnumerable<int?> exceptions;
		Console.WriteLine(">> Exceptions are ..? (separated with comma like : 1,2,3)");
		while(!TryParseExceptions(buffer = Console.ReadLine(), out exceptions))
			Console.WriteLine("\tInvalid input : {0}", buffer);
		Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", exceptions.OrderBy(x => x)));
		Console.WriteLine(/*Empty Line*/);
		CalculateCombinations(target, elementCount, exceptions.Select(e => e.Value).Distinct());
	int? ToNullableInt(string value)
		int number;
		return int.TryParse(value.Trim(), out number) ? (int?)number : null;
	bool TryParseExceptions(string value, out IEnumerable<int?> exceptions)
		//const int MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 9;
		exceptions = value == ""
			? Enumerable.Empty<int?>()
			: value.Split(',').Select(ToNullableInt);
		return exceptions.All(e => e.HasValue && (1 <= e.Value && e.Value <= 9)); //less verbose but magical...
		//return exceptions.All(e => e.HasValue && (MinValue <= e.Value && e.Value <= MaxValue));
	// Define other methods and classes here
	void CalculateCombinations(int target, int elementCount, IEnumerable<int> exceptions)
		var validNumbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 9).Except(exceptions);
		// Make a Cartesian join of the three lists
		// Filter out the stuff that we want
		// Sort the result from highest to lowest
		var combos = validNumbers.CartesianProduct(elementCount)     // Cartesian product 
							 	.Where(x => x.GreaterThanNext() &&   // exclude duplicates
								            x.Sum(y => y) == target) // add up to the target 
								.OrderByDescending(x => x.First());  // sort from the 1st number to...
		for(int i = 1; i < elementCount; i++)
                        ///i would be incremented when the ienumerable unfolds
			var index = i;
			combos = combos.ThenByDescending(x => x.ElementAt(index));   // ... the [n]th
		Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}/{1}", target, elementCount));
		foreach(var item in combos)
			Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", item));
		Console.Write("excluding : " + string.Join(" ", exceptions.OrderBy(x => x)));
	//credit :
	//slightly altered to reuse the same sequence
	public static class Extensions
		public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> CartesianProduct<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, int repeat) 
			IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> result =  new[] { Enumerable.Empty<T>() };
			for(int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
				// don't close over the loop variable (fixed in C# 5 BTW)
				var s = sequence; 
				// recursive case: use SelectMany to build 
				// the new product out of the old one 
				result = from seq in result 
						from item in s 
						select seq.Concat(new[] {item}); 
			return result; 
		public static bool GreaterThanNext(this IEnumerable<int> sequence)
			if (sequence.Count() < 2) return true;
			var previous = int.MaxValue;
			foreach(var item in sequence)
				if(previous <= item)
					return false;
				else previous = item;
			return true;
Example of result : 

    >> Target is ..?
    >> Number of elements is ..?
    >> Exceptions are ..? (separated with comma like : 1,2,3)
    excluding : 1