For an assignment (not school), I was supposed to make a "web browser" using Scapy.

While storing the response, I initially thought of

    # got an array of packets using sniff() named responses
    ans = ""
    for pack in responses:
        ans += pack[Raw].load

But that clearly doesn't work if one of the ACKs gets lost or with any of that kind of edge cases where I receive more than one of the same packet or where I receive them in the wrong order. So I wrote a "buffer" class to help handle that.


    class MessageBuffer:
        Used to store a buffer or message
        def __init__(self, init_key):
            Creates a MessageBuffer object that will hold a buffer
            containing all the message that will be received.
            :param init_key: Initial sequence number
            self._buffer = []
            self._init_key = init_key
            self.unsafe = False # Can be set to be able to convert incomplete buffer
        def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            Adds a message into the buffer, automatically extending the storage if needed.
            :param key: the starting point
            :param value: the string to insert
            key -= self._init_key
            if key < 0:
                raise KeyError("Key cannot be less than initial key")
            if key > len(self._buffer): # Missing values
                while key > len(self._buffer):
                    self._buffer.append("") # Extend till Ok
                self._buffer.extend(value) # Add all string at the end.
                    while value:
                        self._buffer[key] = value[0]
                        key += 1
                        value = value[1:]
                except IndexError: # End of self._buffer
        def is_complete(self):
            :return: True if buffer is complete, otherwise False
            return "" not in self._buffer
        def __str__(self):
            Converts the buffer into a string.
            if not self.unsafe and not self.is_complete():
                raise Exception("Buffer isn't complete")
            return "".join(self._buffer)

I don't have particular concerns, but maybe I have some kind of bad practice or something like that in the code?
Also, no usage of the class but in pseudo-python-code (since copying the whole code is pretty long and not what I'm asking about)

    def handler_for_packet(packet):
        buffer[packet[TCP].seq] = packet[Raw].load
        if buffer.is_complete():