I really would have to question the requirement to only use primitives...  it would seem to be a rather arbitrary (and not especially useful) requirement even in an academic setting.  The code would be a lot easier to write and test etc.

There are a relatively large number of [Magic Numbers](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47882/what-is-a-magic-number-and-why-is-it-bad) in your code.  These can lead to problems later should the spec need to change, something which is guaranteed to happen in the real-world.


The array handling has magic numbers too.  A good habit is to define an `enum` with values for the fields, though in this case you could use some `public final int` as constants to get around the primitives only requirement.  This makes it clearer when you come back to the code in 3 years time (as would eventually happen in the real world).  Take these two lines and decide which is clearer...

    someArray[row][0] = sc.nextInt();
    someArray[row][Marks.Fields.COURSEWORK_RATIO] = sc.nextInt();

...and yes, Java's all-caps convention isn't pretty.  

You currently trust your user input and this is just asking for trouble in the real-world.  You should as a minimum validate your input though knowing [how much validation to use](https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/81062/data-input-validation-where-how-much) can require experience.  Some basic bounds checking `100 >= x > 0` on the data entry certainly wouldn't go amiss.

Where you work with percentages (rather than them being raw data) I always find they're more intuitively represented if you store them as their actual value (where 50% is stored as `0.5` since it is 50/100.)  This makes them far easier to use as working with them is always simple multiplication (and there's no repeated conversion between `int` to `float` and back).  

Also, you're doing the rounding calculations manually and you should consider using `Math.round()` instead.  It will compile to the same thing but it shows the intent of your code more clearly.

    // original
    int weighting = studentData[x][0];
    int coursework = studentData[x][1];
    int exam = studentData[x][2];
    computedModuleMark = (int) ((((coursework * weighting) + (exam * (100 - weighting))) + 0.5) / 100);

    // with weighting as a float
    float weighting = studentData[x][Fields.WEIGHTING] / 100f;
    int coursework = studentData[x][Fields.COURSEWORK];
    int exam = studentData[x][Fields.EXAM];
    computedModuleMark = Math.round(coursework * weighting + exam * (1.0 - weighting));

That should give you some more to work on.  

*PS: Did you spot the deliberate bug in the `// original` fragment?  (answer below)*

>!  `int coursework = studentData[x][1];` referred to the wrong array element.  
>!  This error would have been immediately obvious when using the more verbose notation which would have read `int coursework = studentData[x][Fields.EXAM];`