## Presentation

Code formatted and presented well.  Refreshing.  Compiled properly - almost.

## Initialization

With `median_init()`, the queue is pre-populated with the value of 0.   This implies that the return values of `min,median,max` are all bogus until `n` values added.  it would make sense to either

1. Allow an initialization value: `median_init(...., float init_value)`

2. Or better, functions on `min,median,max` as if it had less than `n` elements are in it until `n` elements are added. 

## Complexity

Instead of the structures involved, this task could be solved with less data usage: a length, eldest index and a single array as below and still maintain O(n) complexity.  Adding is a simple as scanning for the eldest index in a sorted array, replacing it with the new value.  Then bubble sort the new value into place.

    typedef struct MedfiltDataAlt {
        float value;
        size_t queue_order;
    } MedfiltDataAlt;

## Allocation responsibility

This code obliges the calling code to provide the space needed.  This fine.  Yet I find it more useful for the `median_...()` functions to handle that.  OP's choice on this, just wanted to provide an alternative [POV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_of_view_(philosophy)).

## Added functionality

A means to report the  `min,median,max` without adding a new number would be useful.

## Parameter order

I'd expect the state data first.

    // void median(float input, MedfiltData *data, float *median, float *min, float *max)
       void median(MedfiltData *data, float input, float *median, float *min, float *max)

## NAN

As `float` can take on a value of [not-a-number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN).  Code's use of `>` and `<` does not clearly push the `NAN` is a proscribed manner. When NANs are involved, `>` is not the opposite of `<=`.  If code was amended to deal with a growing array during the first `n` calls of `median()`, consider a `median(NAN, ...)` to have the effect of shortening the queue and not saving the NAN.

## Naming

The .c file (assume `medfilt.c` to match `medfilt.h`) name, the type names and function names would be more uniform if they all began with the same prefix _and case_ rather than `Medfilt`, `median` and `medfilt`.

This is manifested in the minor code error in `main.c` 

    // medfilt_init(&data, nodes, KERNEL);
    median_init(&data, nodes, KERNEL);

## Portability

`#pragma once` is not   defined in the C standard

## Function at 0

Minor: Both `median()` and `median_init()` fail with a size of 0.  I would expect code to tolerate this edge case and not cause _undefined behavior_.

## display()

Minor: I'd expect code to use `"%zu"` to match `size_t` or a cast to a wide _unsigned_ type to maintain same sign-ness.  Also `int min, int mid, int max` --> `float min, float mid, float max` and use `"%g"` or `"%e"`.  A goal of `display` is diagnostic.  It should avoid data truncation. 

    // printf("u[%d] =...", (int)i, ...);
    printf("u[%zu] =...", i, ...);
    printf("u[%lu] =...", (unsigned long)i, ...);