Just a couple things:

    sieve_list = list(range(end+1))

You don't actually need your list to be `[0, 1, 2, ... ]`. You just need an indicator of whether or not it's true or false. So it's simpler just to start with:

    sieve_list = [True] * (end + 1)

That'll likely perform better as well. 

When you're iterating over multiples of primes, you're using:

    range(each_number*2, end+1, each_number)

But we can do better than `each_number*2`, we can start at `each_number*each_number`. Every multiple of that prime between it and its square will already have been marked composite (because it will have a factor smaller than `each_number`). That'll save a steadily larger increment of time each iteration. 

As an optimization, we know up front that 2 and 3 are primes. So we can start our iteration at `5` and ensure that we only consider `each_number` to not be multiples of 2 or 3. That is, alternate incrementing by 4 and 2. We can write this function:

    def candidate_range(n):
        cur = 5
        incr = 2
        while cur < n+1:
            yield cur
            cur += incr
            incr ^= 6 # or incr = 6-incr, or however)

Full solution:

    def sieve(end):
        prime_list = [2, 3]
        sieve_list = [True] * (end+1)
        for each_number in candidate_range(end):
            if sieve_list[each_number]:
                for multiple in range(each_number*each_number, end+1, each_number):
                    sieve_list[multiple] = False
        return prime_list

Also, I would consider `every_multiple_of_the_prime` as an unnecessary long variable name, but YMMV.