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Summarise the purpose, not the mechanism, in the title
Toby Speight
  • 81.8k
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Calculate sum of values from checkboxes

I have a bunch of checkboxes with a data-amount attribute containing a value (positive or negative).

My goal is to generate a running total as the user checks each box, and then output this later on.

My code works - just curious for feedback as using filter, map and reduce seems overkill for something like this.


const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]');      
const output = document.querySelector('.runningTotal');

checkboxes.forEach(function(checkbox) {
        checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
            const runningTotal =
                .filter(i => i.checked) // remove unchecked checkboxes.
                .map(i => i.dataset.amount ??= 0) //extract the amount, or 0
                .reduce((total, item) => { return total + parseFloat(item)}, 0)
            output.innerHTML = runningTotal;
<input type="checkbox" data-amount="100"> 100
<input type="checkbox" data-amount="150"> 150
<input type="checkbox" data-amount="-50">  -50
<input type="checkbox" data-amount="10.50"> 10.50
<input type="checkbox" data-amount="0"> 0

<div class="runningTotal"></div>