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Need Criticism for my first Tic Tac Toe Project


This is my attempt at a Tic Tac Toe game. I need some criticism and some ideas on what I could do better, because I know somethings need to be cleaned up.

Quick Notes

-I also couldn't figure ways to make the dictionary checks less cluttered and more cleaner(I am noob, pardon this ugly code)

-I did this without any form of help


#Tic Tac Toe: Attempt 2
from IPython.display import clear_output

#for printing the gameboard
def game_board(dictionary):

#for creating the gameboard
def create_game_board():
    gboard = {'part1':[' ',' ',' '], 'part2':[' ',' ',' '], 'part3':[' ',' ',' ']}
    return gboard

#player specific charachters
def replacement_value(val):
    if val == 'X':
        val = 'O'
    elif val == 'O':
        val ='X'
    return val

#for choosing which player represents what charachter
def player_value():
    choice_check = False
    player_dict = {'X':'', 'O':''}
    while choice_check == False:
        choice = input('Player 1: Are you playing first[Y or N]? ')
        if choice.upper() == 'Y' or choice.upper() == 'N':
            if choice.upper() == 'Y':
                player_dict['X'] =  'player1'
                player_dict['O'] =  'player2'
                print('Player 1 goes first')
                choice_check = True
            elif choice.upper() == 'N':
                player_dict['O'] =  'player1'
                player_dict['X'] =  'player2'
                print('Player 2 goes first')
                choice_check = True
            print('Please type in Y or N')
    return player_dict

#for choosing what part of the board should be replaced
def input_logic():
    play_location = 'Not'
    in_index = False
    while play_location.isdigit() == False or in_index == False:
        play_location = input('Where do you want to play[Between 1 - 9]: ')
        if play_location.isdigit() == True:
            if int(play_location) in list(range(1,10)):
                if int(play_location) > 6:
                    if int(play_location) == 7:
                        if gboard['part3'][0] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                    elif int(play_location) == 8:
                        if gboard['part3'][1] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                    elif int(play_location) == 9:
                        if gboard['part3'][2] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                elif int(play_location) > 3:
                    if int(play_location) == 4:
                        if gboard['part2'][0] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                    elif int(play_location) == 5:
                        if gboard['part2'][1] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                    elif int(play_location) == 6:
                        if gboard['part2'][2] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                elif int(play_location) > 0:
                    if int(play_location) == 1:
                        if gboard['part1'][0] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                    elif int(play_location) == 2:
                        if gboard['part1'][1] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                    elif int(play_location) == 3:
                        if gboard['part1'][2] == ' ':
                            in_index = True 
                            print('That position is already taken')
                print('Please make sure your number is between 1 - 9')
            print('Your input was not a number')
    return int(play_location)

#for inputing charachters in the board
def board_input_logic(gboard, play_location, val):

    if play_location > 6:
        if play_location == 7:
            gboard['part3'][0] = val
        elif play_location == 8:
            gboard['part3'][1] = val
        elif play_location == 9:
            gboard['part3'][2] = val
    elif play_location > 3:
        if play_location == 4:
            gboard['part2'][0] = val
        elif play_location == 5:
            gboard['part2'][1] = val
        elif play_location == 6:
            gboard['part2'][2] = val
    elif play_location > 0:
        if play_location == 1:
            gboard['part1'][0] = val
        elif play_location == 2:
            gboard['part1'][1] = val
        elif play_location == 3:
            gboard['part1'][2] = val
#Better Optimization: Use for loops

#checks for winner
def win_check(gboard,player_dict):
    player_list = list(player_dict.values())
    if gboard['part1'][0] == 'X' and gboard['part1'][1] == 'X' and gboard['part1'][2] == 'X' or gboard['part2'][0] == 'X' and gboard['part2'][1] == 'X' and gboard['part2'][2] == 'X' or gboard['part3'][0] == 'X' and gboard['part3'][1] == 'X' and gboard['part3'][2] == 'X' or gboard['part1'][0] == 'X' and gboard['part2'][0] == 'X' and gboard['part3'][0] == 'X' or gboard['part1'][1] == 'X' and gboard['part2'][1] == 'X' and gboard['part3'][1] == 'X' or gboard['part1'][2] == 'X' and gboard['part2'][2] == 'X' and gboard['part3'][2] == 'X' or gboard['part1'][0] == 'X' and gboard['part2'][1] == 'X' and gboard['part3'][2] == 'X' or gboard['part1'][2] == 'X' and gboard['part2'][1] == 'X' and gboard['part3'][0] == 'X':
        print(f'{player_list[0].capitalize()} is the winner!')
        return False
    elif gboard['part1'][0] == 'O' and gboard['part1'][1] == 'O' and gboard['part1'][2] == 'O' or gboard['part2'][0] == 'O' and gboard['part2'][1] == 'O' and gboard['part2'][2] == 'O' or gboard['part3'][0] == 'O' and gboard['part3'][1] == 'O' and gboard['part3'][2] == 'O' or gboard['part1'][0] == 'O' and gboard['part2'][0] == 'O' and gboard['part3'][0] == 'O' or gboard['part1'][1] == 'O' and gboard['part2'][1] == 'O' and gboard['part3'][1] == 'O' or gboard['part1'][2] == 'O' and gboard['part2'][2] == 'O' and gboard['part3'][2] == 'O' or gboard['part1'][0] == 'O' and gboard['part2'][1] == 'O' and gboard['part3'][2] == 'O' or gboard['part1'][2] == 'O' and gboard['part2'][1] == 'O' and gboard['part3'][0] == 'O':
        print(f'{player_list[1].capitalize()} is the winner!')
        return False
    elif gboard['part1'][0] != ' ' and gboard['part1'][1] != ' ' and gboard['part1'][2] != ' ' and gboard['part2'][0] != ' ' and gboard['part2'][1] != ' ' and gboard['part2'][2] != ' ' and gboard['part3'][0] != ' ' and gboard['part3'][1] != ' ' and gboard['part3'][2] != ' ':
        print("It's a tie")
        return False
        return True
#couldnt figure out how to make code more compact, for-loops maybe?

#Checks if game should be continued
def continue_game():
    running = True
    ans_list = ['Y', 'N']
    while running:
        cont = input('Would you like to continue[Y or N]? ')
        if cont.upper() in ans_list:
            if cont.upper() == 'Y':
                return True
                return False
            print('Please type in "Y" or "N"')

#game loop
gboard = create_game_board()
player_dict = player_value()
game_loop = True
val = 'O'
running = True

#enclosing loop for repeatability
while running == True:
    #actual loop for game
    while game_loop == True:
        val = replacement_value(val)
        play_location = input_logic()
        game_loop = win_check(gboard, player_dict)
    #deciding factor for repeating game
    game_loop = continue_game()
    if game_loop == True:
        gboard = create_game_board()
        player_dict = player_value()
        val = 'O'
    #breaking out from game(AKA - End)
        print('Thanks for playing!')

Any improvements/better ideas are much appreciated