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IP is a protocol; it is IP addresses that are subnetted, static, filtered, whitelisted, have different representations, that devices have, etc., not the protocol itself. Removed meta information (this belongs in comments) - this is not a forum (see e.g. <>).

Simple IP address subnet calculator

In this task I had to create simple IP address / subnet calculator in Python. I'm just wondering how you see this problem.

There is my code:

def toBinary(integer):
    binary = ['{0:0>8}'.format(bin(int(x))[2:]) for x in integer.split(".")]
    return binary

def ip_information(ip, mask):
    binary_ip = toBinary(ip)
    binary_mask = toBinary(mask)
    network_ip = ["", "", "", ""]
    broadcast_address = ["", "", "", ""]
    number_of_hosts = 1

    for x in range(4):
        for y in range(8):
            network_ip[x] += str(int(binary_ip[x][y]) and int(binary_mask[x][y]))
            broadcast_address[x] += str(int(not int(binary_mask[x][y])))
            if binary_mask[x][y] == '0':
                number_of_hosts *= 2

        network_ip[x] = int(network_ip[x], 2)
        broadcast_address[x] = int(broadcast_address[x], 2) + network_ip[x]

    return f"""
    Network IP: {".".join(str(x) for x in network_ip)}
    Broadcast address: {".".join(str(x) for x in broadcast_address)}
    Number of hosts: {number_of_hosts - 2}


    Network IP:
    Broadcast address:
    Number of hosts: 254

Any tips on how to make this better, closer to an advanced (but still, can take under account to make it simple)? Or just a better solution will be definitely on point.

Using Python 3.10.