The obvious with this code is the lack of structure. There are two main computations, given that we've already spotted that we can add all the exponents and perform a single exponentiation with the sum:
- Finding the Lth and Rth odd-length palindromic numbers
- Modular exponentiation
Each of these should be separate - independently testable - functions; main()
then only needs to read input, call the functions and print output.
Let's look at the exponentiation first. Putting your code into a function with reasonable names gives
long modexp(int base, int power, int modulus)
long product = 1;
for (int j = 1; j <= power; ++j)
product = product * base % modulus;
return product;
This is pretty slow, as it has to perform power
multiplications. It's better to implement a binary exponentiaton, which scales as the log of the power:
long modexp(int base, int power, int modulus)
long product = 1;
while (power) {
if (power % 2) {
product = product * base % modulus;
base = 1L * base * base % modulus;
power /= 2;
return product;
With that first easy win under our belt, let's turn our attention to the palindromes.
We don't need to iterate through all the possible palindromes. The pattern is quite simple: for a given number n, the n th odd-length palindrome is simply n followed by the reverse of n/10.
That's quite easy to compute without iterating:
int odd_palindrome(int n)
int palindrome = n;
while ((n /= 10)) {
palindrome = palindrome * 10 + n % 10;
return palindrome;
We can now create a function to calculate the required function of the sequence of palindromes:
long compute_result(int left, int right)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = left + 1; i <= right; ++i) {
sum += odd_palindrome(i);
return modexp(odd_palindrome(left), sum, 1000000007);
Having tested these functions, we can put it all together, getting something which is more efficient and easier to follow than the posted code:
#include <stdio.h>
const int result_modulus = 1000000007;
static long modexp(long base, int power, int modulus)
long product = 1;
while (power) {
if (power % 2) {
product = product * base % modulus;
base = base * base % modulus;
power /= 2;
return product;
static int odd_palindrome(int n)
int palindrome = n;
while ((n /= 10)) {
palindrome = palindrome * 10 + n % 10;
return palindrome;
static long compute_result(int left, int right)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = left + 1; i <= right; ++i) {
sum += odd_palindrome(i);
return modexp(odd_palindrome(left), sum, result_modulus);
int main(void)
int ntests;
if (scanf("%d", &ntests) != 1) {
return 1;
while (ntests --> 0) {
int left, right;
if (scanf("%d %d", &left, &right) != 2) {
return 1;
printf("%ld\n", compute_result(left, right));