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A c++ program to check a string is a pangram

Im a noob in c++ and decided to implement a simple program that checks if a string is a pangram (if the string contains all the English alphabet letters). It's my first program in c++ and i have some background with interpreted programming languages like python and R.

I want to know what are the common beginners mistake im making in this implementation : if im following good practices, what i should avoid and etc. Any tip/help/advice is more than welcome. Thank you all for your attention.

The Code

#include <algorithm>

bool isPangram(std::string str){

    std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::toupper); // Transforming a string to upper case
    std::vector<bool> hash_table(26, false); // a hash_table that maps the  index of a letter from the alphabet
                                             // and a boolean saying if the string contains this element                                             
    int index;

    for(auto c: str){
            // Checks if the element in the string is in the alphabet
            index = c - 'A';
            hash_table[index] = true; 
            std::cout << index << std::endl;


    if(std::any_of(hash_table.begin(), hash_table.end(), [](bool v) { return !v; })) {
        // if any of the items in the array evaluates to false
        // means that the string don't contain all the elements 
        // in the alphabet,hence, it's not a pangram

        return false;

    return true;    

int main() {

    std::string str = "We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize"; 

     if (isPangram(str)){ 
         std::cout << "Yes" << std::endl; 
     else {
         std::cout << "No" << std::endl; 
     return 0;


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