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Task should be plain text - also fix formatting of code block

The solution for the exercise 1-22 from the book "The C programming language" K&R2

The exercise

Exercise 1-22. Write a program to "fold" long input lines into two or more shorter lines after the last non-blank character that occurs before the n-th column of input. Make sure your program does something intelligent with very long lines, and if there are no blanks or tabs before the specified column.

The key idea is that I process whitespace character by character while processing a sequence of non-blank characters block by block, i.e. I read a block then decide whether to print it in the current line or next line.

#include <stdio.h> 

#define LINE_MAX_SIZE 21        /* The maximum number of columns allowed in a single line */
#define IN_NON_BLANK_SEQ 1      /* Indicate that a sequence of non-blank character are being processed */ 
#define TAP_STOP_DIST 5

#define NON_BLANK(ch)   (ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' && ch != ' ') 

int get_next_tap_pos(int current_column) {
    // columns numbered 0, 1, 2... there is a tap stop at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20
    return current_column / TAP_STOP_DIST * TAP_STOP_DIST + TAP_STOP_DIST; 

int main(void) 
    char block[LINE_MAX_SIZE+1];
    int column_pos = 0;                 /* Indicate the current column in the output where the next character will be printed*/
    int index_non_blank = 0;            /* Indicate the number of the non-blank char in the next non-blank char sequence */ 
    int state = !IN_NON_BLANK_SEQ;      /* Indicate whether a non-blank character is being processed */ 

    int ch; 
    while ( (ch = getchar()) != EOF) {
        if (NON_BLANK(ch)) {

            state = IN_NON_BLANK_SEQ; 
            if (index_non_blank == LINE_MAX_SIZE) {
                // There is a word bigger than the size of the line
                block[LINE_MAX_SIZE] = '\0'; 
                // Should I print it in the current line or in the next line ?
                // Our word is as big as our line. so if current line is not empty, we can't print it here
                if (column_pos != 0) 
                printf("%s\n", block); 
                column_pos = 0; 
                index_non_blank = 0;
                block[index_non_blank] = ch;  
            else {
                block[index_non_blank] = ch; 
        else {
            // Is there a non-blank sequence that just finished ?
            if (state == IN_NON_BLANK_SEQ) {
                // Should the current word be printed in the current line or next line ?
                block[index_non_blank] = '\0'; 
                int expected_column_num = column_pos + index_non_blank; 
                if (expected_column_num <= LINE_MAX_SIZE) {
                    printf("%s", block); 
                    column_pos = expected_column_num; 
                else {
                    printf("%s", block); 
                    column_pos = index_non_blank; 

                state = !IN_NON_BLANK_SEQ;  
                index_non_blank = 0; 
            // now print the whitespace character and update column position 
            if (ch == '\n') {
                column_pos = 0; 
            else if (ch == ' ' && column_pos < LINE_MAX_SIZE) {
            else if (ch == '\t' && column_pos < LINE_MAX_SIZE) {
                column_pos = get_next_tap_pos(column_pos); 
            else {
                column_pos = 0;  

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