
All the static fields of your class can be made into local variables. This gives them a smaller scope. Always give variables the smallest possible scope.
When you do this you'll notice `userString` and `al` are already defined as a local variable.
[`al` should be declared as a `List<String>`][1], in fact you'll see that the code works fine with the `List` returned by `Arrays.asList()`. 


Use meaningful names instead of abbreviations for names : `al`, `sc`, even `temp` don't convey anything.


Testing whether the first letter of a `String` is a vowel shouldn't require you to uppercase the entire `String`. You shouldn't even be making a second `String` (`tester`).
It's easier to make a String of all vowels (upper and lower case) and use `indexOf()` on that string with the character you want to test.

The `while(true)` loop is bogus too. I had to look for the exit condition. Make it explicit.

You remember to close the `Scanner`, but do it in a `finally` block, so a possible `Exception` doesn't bypass the closing. For extra points use a try-with-resources structure (see my refactored example).

Wait, remember I said the code would work fine with the result of `Arrays.asList()`? It will, but you don't even need a list to loop over an array. Just use an advanced for loop.

    for (String temp : userString.split("\\s")) {

`latinString` should be a `StringBuilder`, as it's mostly used to build the resulting `String`.

Use helper methods to explain what you're doing or to extract repeated code.

Here's my refactored version :

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in)) { // try with resource will ensure the Scanner gets closed.
            String userString = getUserInput(scanner);
            while (!userString.isEmpty()) {
                userString = getUserInput(scanner);

    private static String buildLatinString(String userString) {
        StringBuilder latinString = new StringBuilder();
        for (String word : userString.split("\\s")) {
            latinizeWord(latinString, word);
        return latinString.toString();

    private static void latinizeWord(StringBuilder latinString, String word) {
        if (startsWithVowel(word)) {
            latinString.append(word).append("ay ");
        } else {
            latinString.append(word.substring(1)).append(word.charAt(0)).append("ay ");

    private static String getUserInput(Scanner scanner) {
        System.out.print("Enter a string to be converted into Pig Latin. To stop, enter a blank input: ");
        return scanner.nextLine();

    private static boolean startsWithVowel(String word) {
        return "AEIOUaeiou".indexOf(word.charAt(0)) != -1;

  [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9852831/polymorphism-why-use-list-list-new-arraylist-instead-of-arraylist-list-n