One of my university assignments asked us to create a program using `struct` in order to create a simple event scheduler. This program is for a single day only, not multiple days.


**Sample Input / Output**

For a few reasons, I've opted to create a .GIF to display the sample input / output:


An example save file:

<!-- language-all: lang-none -->

>     8 30 dentist_appointment
>     14 0 pickup_friend_from_airport
>     17 0 buisness_meeting_at_the_office
>     20 30 dinner_reservation


> Disclaimer / Notice: The following code is *not to be copied* without proper credit. It is licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with **attribution required**.

<!-- language-all: lang-cpp -->

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #define _MAX_EVENTS 10 // 10 Events Max
    #define _MAX_DESCRIPTION 101 // 100 Character Description Max
    typedef struct { // typedef a struct called event
    	int hour; // Store the hour / HH
    	int minute; // Store the minute / MM
    	char description[_MAX_DESCRIPTION]; // Store the event description
    } event;
    // Print the menu selection
    void printMenu() {
    	puts("+------ SCHEDULER ------+\n"
    		"|  1. New Event         |\n"
    		"|  2. Delete Event      |\n"
    		"|  3. Display Schedule  |\n"
    		"|  4. Save Schedule     |\n"
    		"|  5. Load Schedule     |\n"
    		"|  6. Exit              |\n"
    // Return true if an event is NULL, false otherwise
    bool isNull(const event *e) { return e == NULL; }
    // Allocate memory for and initialize an event
    event *initEvent() {
    	event *e = (event*)malloc(sizeof(event));
    	e->hour = 0;
    	e->minute = 0;
    	strcpy(e->description, "");
    	return e;
    // Take user input until value is between min and max inclusive, return the input
    int inputRange(const int min, const int max) {
    	int input = 0;
    	char temp[21];
    	char *prompt = "| Enter a number between %d and %d: ";
    	printf(prompt, min, max);
    	fgets(temp, 21, stdin);
    	input = atoi(temp);
    	while (input > max || input < min) { // Data validation
    		printf(prompt, min, max);
    		fgets(temp, 21, stdin);
    		input = atoi(temp);
    	return input;
    // Setup a new event with user input and return a pointer to the same event
    event* newEvent(event *e) {
    	if (isNull(e)) { // If e is NULL
    		e = initEvent(); // Initialize it
    	char *seperator = "+--------------------------------+";
    	printf("\n%s\n|           NEW EVENT            |\n%s\n\n", seperator, seperator);
    	puts("+---------- EVENT TIME ----------+");
    	e->hour = inputRange(0, 23);
    	e->minute = inputRange(0, 59);
    	puts("\n+--- EVENT DESCRIPTION ---+");
    	printf("%s", "| Enter a description: ");
    	fgets(e->description, _MAX_DESCRIPTION, stdin);
    	puts("| Event successfully added.\n");
    	return e;
    // Add an event to an event list at a specified index
    void addEventAtIndex(event list[], const event e, const int i) {
    	if (isNull(&e)) { // if our event is NULL, return
    	list[i].hour = e.hour;
    	list[i].minute = e.minute;
    	strcpy(list[i].description, e.description);
    // Insertion sort by swapping struct members
    void sort(event list[], const int size) {
    	for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
    		for (int j = i; j > 0 && (list[j - 1].hour > list[j].hour || (list[j - 1].hour == list[j].hour && list[j - 1].minute > list[j].minute)); j--) {
    			int hourJ = list[j].hour;
    			int minuteJ = list[j].minute;
    			char descriptionJ[_MAX_DESCRIPTION];
    			strcpy(descriptionJ, list[j].description);
    			int hourJMinus1 = list[j - 1].hour;
    			int minuteJMinus1 = list[j - 1].minute;
    			char descriptionJMinus1[_MAX_DESCRIPTION];
    			strcpy(descriptionJMinus1, list[j - 1].description);
    			list[j].hour = hourJMinus1;
    			list[j].minute = minuteJMinus1;
    			strcpy(list[j].description, descriptionJMinus1);
    			list[j - 1].hour = hourJ;
    			list[j - 1].minute = minuteJ;
    			strcpy(list[j - 1].description, descriptionJ);
    // Add an event to an event list by sorting it into position
    void sortInsert(event list[], int *size, event e) {
    	addEventAtIndex(list, e, *size); // Add event to the end of the list
    	(*size)++; // Increment size
    	// Insertion Sort
    	sort(list, *size);
    // Display an event in a readable format: [ID] HH:MM - DESCRIPTION
    void printEvent(const event e) {
    	char h1 = { (e.hour / 10) + '0' }; // Extract the first digit and convert to char (if any, else 0)
    	char h2 = { (e.hour - (e.hour / 10) * 10) + '0' }; // Extract the second digit and convert to char
    	char m1 = { (e.minute / 10) + '0' };
    	char m2 = { (e.minute - (e.minute / 10) * 10) + '0' };
    	printf("%c%c:%c%c - %s", h1, h2, m1, m2, e.description);
    // Display all events in an event list
    void printEventList(const event list[], const int size) {
    	if (size == 0) {
    		puts("\n| You have no events scheduled!\n");
    	char *seperator = "+--------------------------------+";
    	printf("\n%s\n|          MY SCHEDULE           |\n%s\n\n", seperator, seperator);
    	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    		printf("| [%d] ", i);
    // Delete an event from an event list
    void deleteEvent(event list[], int *size) {
    	if (*size == 0) { // If list is empty
    		puts("\n| Event list already empty.\n");
    	char temp[21];
    	int id;
    	char *seperator = "\n+--------------------------------+";
    	printf("%s\n|          DELETE EVENT          |%s\n\n", seperator, seperator);
    	for (int i = 0; i < *size; i++) { // Display the event list so the user can see which event to delete
    		printf("| [%d] ", i);
    	printf("%s", "\n| Enter the ID of an event to delete: ");
    	fgets(temp, 21, stdin);
    	id = atoi(temp);
    	if (id > *size - 1) {
    		printf("\n| No event located at %d\n", id);
    	printf("| Event [%d] deleted successfully.\n\n", id);
    	// Set hour and minute to some trivially large value for sorting purposes
    	list[id].hour = 99;
    	list[id].minute = 99;
    	strcpy(list[id].description, "");
    	if (id != (*size - 1)) { // If the event to remove is already last, there's no need to sort it to last
    		sort(list, *size);
    	(*size)--; // Decrement the size of the list
    // Replace all spaces in a string with an underscore
    char *encode(char *s) {
    	for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) {
    		if (s[i] == ' ') {
    			s[i] = '_';
    	return s;
    // Replace all underscores in a string with an spaces
    char *decode(char *s) {
    	for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) {
    		if (s[i] == '_') {
    			s[i] = ' ';
    	return s;
    // Save an event list to file
    void saveEventList(char *filename, event list[], int size) {
    	FILE *f = fopen(filename, "w");
    	if (f == NULL) { // If our file is NULL, return
    	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    		fprintf(f, "%d %d %s", list[i].hour, list[i].minute, encode(list[i].description)); // Encode the description (replace spaces with underscores) before saving it into the file
    	printf("\n| %d %s successfully saved into \"%s\".\n\n", size, (size == 1) ? "event" : "events", filename); // Tenary expression to make sure we're grammatically correct
    // Load an event list from file
    void loadEventList(char *filename, event list[], int *size) {
    	FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
    	char temp[6 + _MAX_DESCRIPTION]; // ## ## MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH
    	if (f == NULL) {
    		printf("\n| File \"%s\" not found.\n\n", filename);
    	*size = 0; // Set size to 0
    	while (fgets(temp, sizeof(temp), f)) {
    		char *word = strtok(temp, " "); // Use space as the token delimiter, get the first token (hour)
    		list[*size].hour = atoi(word); // Store the token into the list
    		word = strtok(NULL, " "); // Get the second token (minute)
    		list[*size].minute = atoi(word);
    		word = strtok(NULL, " "); // Get the third token (description)
    		strcpy(list[*size].description, decode(word)); // Decode our word before copying it (remove underscores)
    		(*size)++; // Increment size with each line (event) added
    	printf("\n| %d %s successfully loaded from \"%s\".\n", *size, (*size == 1) ? "event" : "events", filename);
    	printEventList(list, *size); // Display the event list when finished, show the user what's been loaded
    int main() {
    	event list[_MAX_EVENTS];
    	int index = 0; // Number of elements in list
    	int selection = 0;
    	char file[FILENAME_MAX];
    	char response = 'Y';
    	char temp[21];
    	while (selection != 6) {
    		printMenu(); // Print the menu
    		printf("%s", "| Please select an option: "); // Prompt for input
    		fgets(temp, 21, stdin);
    		selection = atoi(temp); // Convert string input to int
    		switch (selection) {
    		case 1: // New Event
    			if (index + 1 > _MAX_EVENTS) {
    				printf("| You can only have %d active events at one time!\n\n", index);
    			sortInsert(list, &index, *newEvent(&list[index]));
    		case 2: // Delete Event
    			deleteEvent(list, &index);
    		case 3: // Display Schedule
    			printEventList(list, index);
    		case 4: // Save Schedule
    			if (index == 0) { // No events, don't save anything
    				puts("| You have no events in your schedule!\n");
    			else {
    				printf("%s", "| Please enter a \"filename.txt\": ");
    				fgets(file, FILENAME_MAX, stdin);
    				strtok(file, "\n"); // Strip newline from filename
    				saveEventList(file, list, index);
    		case 5: // Load Schedule
    			if (index > 0) {
    				printf("%s", "| Are you sure you want to discard your current schedule? (Y/N): ");
    				response = toupper(getc(stdin));
    				char c;
    				while (((c = getchar()) != '\n') && (c != EOF)); // Clear buffer, from getc();
    			if (response == 'Y') {
    				printf("%s", "| Please enter a \"filename.txt\": ");
    				fgets(file, FILENAME_MAX, stdin);
    				strtok(file, "\n"); // Strip newline from filename
    				loadEventList(file, list, &index);
    		case 6: // Exit Program
    			puts("\n| Thank you!\n");
    		default: // Error
    			puts("\n| Error in selection\n");

**Questions / Concerns**

Hopefully I've improved since my last major [code review][3]. I've tried to keep the comments useful, so tell me if I'm still being redundant or need to tone that down. There's a few things I have kept in mind while writing this, including [not repeating myself][4] as best as possible.

Was the ASCII formatting when printing a good idea? Or should that just be left when showing the menu? In what ways can I improve, what shouldn't I be doing, and what should I be doing?
