`requests` is third-party, so (per the [style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)) there should be a blank line in the imports:

    import os
    import requests


`api_repo` is constant, so should be `API_REPO`. There should also be spaces around the `=` in assignments:

    API_REPO = 'https://api.github.com/user/repos'

Explicit line continuation isn't very Pythonic, especially when the line is short enough anyway:

    url = '%s?access_token=%s' % \

Also, there should be spaces after commas (and I wouldn't bother with the trailing one). This would be better written as:

    url = '%s?access_token=%s' % (API_REPO, API_TOKEN)


`r` and `i` aren't very good variable names. I would use `req_json` and `git_url`.


You are mixing `%` string formatting with `+` concatenation. You should at least be consistent, and I would use the more modern `str.format`:

    os.system("git clone {}".format(git_url)) 

You should also be consistent with string literal quotes. Per the style guide:

 > In Python, single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings are the same. This PEP does not make a recommendation for this. Pick a rule and stick to it. When a string contains single or double quote characters, however, use the other one to avoid backslashes in the string. It improves readability.


In all, I would probably have written it as:

    import os
    import requests
    API_TOKEN = "..."
    API_URL = "https://api.github.com/user/repos"
    url = "{}?access_token={}".format(API_URL, API_TOKEN)
    req_json = requests.get(url).json()
    for repo in req_json:
        os.system("git clone {}".format(repo["git_url"]))