A large csv I was given has a large table of flight data. A function I wrote to help parse it iterates over the column of Flight ID's, and then returns a dictionary containing the index and value of every unique Flight ID in order of first appearance.
Dictionary = { Index: FID, ... }
This comes as a quick adjustment to an older function that didn't require having to worry about FID repeats in the column (a few hundred thousand rows later...).
Right now, I have it iterating over and comparing each value in order. If a value is equal to the value after it, it skips it. If the next value is different, it stores the value in the dictionary. I changed it to now also check if that value has already occured before, and if so, to skip it. Here's my code:
def DiscoverEarliestIndex(self, number):
thegoodshit = {}
columnvalues = self.column(number)
column_enum = {}
for a, b in enumerate(columnvalues):
column_enum[a] = b
i = 0
while i < (len(columnvalues) - 1):
next = column_enum[i+1]
if columnvalues[i] == next:
i += 1
if next in thegoodshit.values():
i += 1
thegoodshit[i+1]= next
i += 1
return thegoodshit
It's very inefficient, and slows down as the dictionary grows. The column has 5.2 million rows, so it's obviously not a good idea to handle this much with Python, but I'm stuck with it for now.
Is there a more efficient way to write this function?