Multiple questions regarding this have already been asked, but as this is my first time to the site, I really don't know if code review welcomes multiple similar questions, but here I go..
Well this is a basic hangman game in c++ without the classy man getting hanged animation (life is printed instead)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
string previousGuesses; //string to hold previous guesses
class movie {
string name;
int _size;
inline string getName(void) {
return this->name;
inline int getSize(void) {
return this->_size;
movie::movie(void) {
ifstream fin;"movies.txt", ios::in);
// int random_integer = rand();
getline(fin, this->name); //currently takes the first line as movie name. Randomising logic will be inserted....any hints??
this->_size = name.size();
int numOfSpaces(string name) {
register unsigned counter = 0;
for (register int i = 0; i < name.size(); i++) {
if(name[i] == ' ') {
return counter;
bool guessedPreviously(char ch) {
if(previousGuesses.find(ch) != -1) { //if guess is found, return true
return true;
previousGuesses += ch;
return false;
void print(char name[], int size) {
for (register int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cout << name[i];
cout << endl;
int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
/*to get name of the movie*/
srand(time(NULL)); //seed for rand();
register int counter = 0; //used to check if the full guess has been finally made though better logic is welcome
register int life = 10; //hold the lives user has
movie m1; //object of movie class
char name[m1.getSize()]; //temp char[] (used to mask/unmask movie name)
char guess; //shall hold user's guess
string _name = m1.getName(); //a variable to store the movie name (needed as m1.getName()[i] surprisingly doesn't work....why??)
for (register int i = 0; i < m1.getSize(); i++) {
/*logic to keep spaces, spaces in the temp char[]*/
if(_name[i] != ' ')
name[i] = '*';
name[i] = ' ';
while (1) { //runs the game loop
/*User's guess*/
cout << "Enter a guess: ";
cin >> guess;
if(guessedPreviously(guess)) {
cout << "guess already made!!" << endl;
cout << life << endl;
if (life == 0) {
cout << "game over!!!" << endl;
cout << m1.getName() << endl;
cout << endl; //I/O formatting ...... because we need it!!
/*check guess*/
bool check = false; //boolean variable to umm.. not let the else if get unnecessarily executed
for (register int i = 0; i < _name.size(); i++) {
if(_name[i] == guess) {
name[i] = guess; //replaces * in temporary char[] at all places where guess is correct
check = true;
/*To check if the full guess has finally been made!!*/
if(counter == (m1.getSize() - numOfSpaces(m1.getName()))) { //m1.getSize() also returns spaces, which are not being guessed
cout << "congrats!! You've won" << endl;
else if (i == _name.size() - 1 && !check) { //the 'what to do if guess is wrong??' logic
cout << "wrong guess!!" << endl;
life--; //kill the user once XD
cout << "You have " << life << " guesses left!!" << endl;
if (life == 0) {
cout << "game over!!!" << endl;
cout << m1.getName() << endl;
print(name, m1.getSize());
return 0;
All kinds of improvements are welcome :)
Also how do I make the code case insensitive efficiently??