You are likely recalculating the same cell multiple times.  For example, let's say you have a 3x3 grid where all cells are 1.  You will calculate `count(a, 1, 1)` twice: once as part of `count(a, 0, 1)`, and once as part of `count(a, 1, 0)`.

You should instead keep track of those values you have calculated so far, and return those where available.  For example:

    static int count(int a[][], int i, int j) {
        return count(a, i, j, new int[a.length][a[0].length]);

    static int count(int a[][], int i, int j, int[][] results) {
        if (results[i][j] != 0) {
            return results[i][j];
        int rows = a.length;
        int cols = a[0].length;
        int ret;
        if(a[i][j] == 0)
            ret = 0;
        else if (i == rows - 1 && j == cols - 1)
            ret = a[i][j];
        else if (i == rows - 1)
            ret = a[i][j + 1];
        else if (j == cols - 1)
            ret = a[i + 1][j];
        else if (a[i][j] == 1)
            ret = count(a, i + 1, j, results) + count(a, i, j + 1, results);
            ret = 0;
        results[i][j] = ret;
        return ret;