In my ongoing quest to demonstrate how VBA code can absolutely be object-oriented, I've started implementing a game of Battleship in pure VBA.
Each module in the project is annotated with a @Folder
annotation, which Rubberduck uses to organize the modules into a folder hierarchy, making the rather large project easy to navigate despite the poorly tooled IDE; other annotations include:
prevents static code analysis from firing results in that module.@Description
will eventually translate intoVB_Description
attributes; until then they serve as descriptive comments for public members, where appropriate.
The GridCoord class module has a VB_PredeclaredId = True
module attribute which gives it a default instance; I'm only ever using this default instance to invoke the Create
factory method, which serves as a public parameterized constructor for the class.
'@IgnoreModule UseMeaningfulName; X and Y are perfectly fine names here.
Option Explicit
Private Type TGridCoord
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Private this As TGridCoord
Public Function Create(ByVal xPosition As Long, ByVal yPosition As Long) As GridCoord
With New GridCoord
.X = xPosition
.Y = yPosition
Set Create = .Self
End With
End Function
Public Function FromString(ByVal coord As String) As GridCoord
coord = Replace(Replace(coord, "(", vbNullString), ")", vbNullString)
Dim coords As Variant
coords = Split(coord, ",")
Dim xPosition As Long
xPosition = coords(LBound(coords))
Dim yPosition As Long
yPosition = coords(UBound(coords))
Set FromString = Create(xPosition, yPosition)
End Function
Public Property Get X() As Long
X = this.X
End Property
Public Property Let X(ByVal value As Long)
this.X = value
End Property
Public Property Get Y() As Long
Y = this.Y
End Property
Public Property Let Y(ByVal value As Long)
this.Y = value
End Property
Public Property Get Self() As GridCoord
Set Self = Me
End Property
Public Property Get Default() As GridCoord
Set Default = New GridCoord
End Property
Public Function ToString() As String
ToString = "(" & this.X & "," & this.Y & ")"
End Function
Public Function ToA1String() As String
ToA1String = Chr$(64 + this.X) & this.Y
End Function
Public Function Equals(ByVal other As GridCoord) As Boolean
Equals = other.X = this.X And other.Y = this.Y
End Function
Public Function Offset(Optional ByVal xOffset As Long, Optional ByVal yOffset As Long) As GridCoord
Set Offset = GridCoord.Create(this.X + xOffset, this.Y + yOffset)
End Function
Public Function IsAdjacent(ByVal other As GridCoord) As Boolean
If other.Y = this.Y Then
IsAdjacent = other.X = this.X - 1 Or other.X = this.X + 1
ElseIf other.X = this.X Then
IsAdjacent = other.Y = this.Y - 1 Or other.Y = this.Y + 1
End If
End Function
The GridCoordTests module is a Rubberduck test module that includes 16 passing tests that demonstrate usage and validate the type's behavior.
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
Private Assert As Rubberduck.AssertClass
'Private Fakes As Rubberduck.FakesProvider
Public Sub ModuleInitialize()
Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.AssertClass")
'Set Fakes = CreateObject("Rubberduck.FakesProvider")
End Sub
Public Sub ModuleCleanup()
Set Assert = Nothing
'Set Fakes = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub CreatesAtSpecifiedXCoordinate()
Const expectedX As Long = 42
Const expectedY As Long = 74
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(expectedX, expectedY)
Assert.AreEqual expectedX, sut.X, "X coordinate mismatched."
Assert.AreEqual expectedY, sut.Y, "Y coordinate mismatched."
End Sub
Public Sub DefaultIsZeroAndZero()
Const expectedX As Long = 0
Const expectedY As Long = 0
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Default
Assert.AreEqual expectedX, sut.X, "X coordinate mismatched."
Assert.AreEqual expectedY, sut.Y, "Y coordinate mismatched."
End Sub
Public Sub OffsetAddsX()
Const xOffset As Long = 1
Const yOffset As Long = 0
Dim initial As GridCoord
Set initial = GridCoord.Default
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Default
Dim actual As GridCoord
Set actual = sut.Offset(xOffset, yOffset)
Assert.AreEqual initial.X + xOffset, actual.X
End Sub
Public Sub OffsetAddsY()
Const xOffset As Long = 0
Const yOffset As Long = 1
Dim initial As GridCoord
Set initial = GridCoord.Default
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Default
Dim actual As GridCoord
Set actual = sut.Offset(xOffset, yOffset)
Assert.AreEqual initial.Y + yOffset, actual.Y
End Sub
Public Sub FromToString_RoundTrips()
Dim initial As GridCoord
Set initial = GridCoord.Default
Dim asString As String
asString = initial.ToString
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.FromString(asString)
Assert.AreEqual initial.X, sut.X, "X coordinate mismatched."
Assert.AreEqual initial.Y, sut.Y, "Y coordinate mismatched."
End Sub
Public Sub ToStringFormat_NoSpaceCommaSeparatedInParentheses()
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Default
Dim expected As String
expected = "(" & sut.X & "," & sut.Y & ")"
Dim actual As String
actual = sut.ToString
Assert.AreEqual expected, actual
End Sub
Public Sub EqualsReturnsTrueForMatchingCoords()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Default
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Default
Assert.IsTrue sut.Equals(other)
End Sub
Public Sub EqualsReturnsFalseForMismatchingCoords()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Default.Offset(1)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Default
Assert.IsFalse sut.Equals(other)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenOneLeftAndSameY_IsAdjacentReturnsTrue()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(2, 1)
Assert.IsTrue sut.IsAdjacent(other)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenTwoLeftAndSameY_IsAdjacentReturnsFalse()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(3, 1)
Assert.IsFalse sut.IsAdjacent(other)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenOneRightAndSameY_IsAdjacentReturnsTrue()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Create(3, 1)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(2, 1)
Assert.IsTrue sut.IsAdjacent(other)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenTwoRightAndSameY_IsAdjacentReturnsFalse()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Create(5, 1)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(3, 1)
Assert.IsFalse sut.IsAdjacent(other)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenOneDownAndSameX_IsAdjacentReturnsTrue()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Create(1, 2)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Assert.IsTrue sut.IsAdjacent(other)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenTwoDownAndSameX_IsAdjacentReturnsFalse()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Create(1, 3)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Assert.IsFalse sut.IsAdjacent(other)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenOneUpAndSameX_IsAdjacentReturnsTrue()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(1, 2)
Assert.IsTrue sut.IsAdjacent(other)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenTwoUpAndSameX_IsAdjacentReturnsFalse()
Dim other As GridCoord
Set other = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim sut As GridCoord
Set sut = GridCoord.Create(1, 3)
Assert.IsFalse sut.IsAdjacent(other)
End Sub
The PlayerGrid class also has a VB_PredeclaredId = True
module attribute; again, the class' default instance is never used to store any state. The Create
method serves as a public parameterized constructor for the class.
Option Explicit
Private Const KnownGridStateErrorMsg As String _
= "Specified coordinate is not in an unknown state."
Private Const CannotAddShipAtPositionMsg As String _
= "Cannot add a ship of this size at this position."
Private Const CannotAddMoreShipsMsg As String _
= "Cannot add more ships to this grid."
Public Enum PlayerGridErrors
KnownGridStateError = vbObjectError Or 127
End Enum
Public Enum AttackResult
End Enum
Public Enum GridState
'@Description("Content at this coordinate is unknown.")
Unknown = -1
'@Description("Unconfirmed friendly ship position.")
PreviewShipPosition = 0
'@Description("Confirmed friendly ship position.")
ShipPosition = 1
'@Description("Unconfirmed invalid/overlapping ship position.")
InvalidPosition = 2
'@Description("No ship at this coordinate.")
PreviousMiss = 3
'@Description("An enemy ship occupies this coordinate.")
PreviousHit = 4
End Enum
Private Type TPlayGrid
Id As Byte
ships As Collection
State(1 To Globals.GridSize, 1 To Globals.GridSize) As GridState
End Type
Private this As TPlayGrid
Public Function Create(ByVal grid As Byte) As PlayerGrid
With New PlayerGrid
.GridId = grid
Set Create = .Self
End With
End Function
'@Description("Gets the ID of this grid. 1 for Player1, 2 for Player2.")
Public Property Get GridId() As Byte
GridId = this.Id
End Property
Public Property Let GridId(ByVal value As Byte)
this.Id = value
End Property
Public Property Get Self() As PlayerGrid
Set Self = Me
End Property
'@Description("Gets the number of ships placed on the grid.")
Public Property Get ShipCount() As Long
ShipCount = this.ships.Count
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set this.ships = New Collection
Dim currentX As Long
For currentX = LBound(this.State, 1) To UBound(this.State, 1)
Dim currentY As Long
For currentY = LBound(this.State, 2) To UBound(this.State, 2)
this.State(currentX, currentY) = GridState.Unknown
End Sub
'@Description("Adds the specified ship to the grid. Throws if position is illegal.")
Public Sub AddShip(ByVal item As IShip)
If Not CanAddShip(item.GridPosition, item.orientation, item.size) Then
Err.Raise PlayerGridErrors.CannotAddShipAtPosition, TypeName(Me), CannotAddShipAtPositionMsg
End If
If this.ships.Count >= Globals.ShipsPerGrid Then
Err.Raise PlayerGridErrors.CannotAddMoreShips, TypeName(Me), CannotAddMoreShipsMsg
End If
' will throw a duplicate key error if item.Name is already in collection
this.ships.Add item, item.Name
Dim currentX As Long
For currentX = item.GridPosition.X To item.GridPosition.X + IIf(item.orientation = Horizontal, item.size - 1, 0)
Dim currentY As Long
For currentY = item.GridPosition.Y To item.GridPosition.Y + IIf(item.orientation = Vertical, item.size - 1, 0)
this.State(currentX, currentY) = GridState.ShipPosition
End Sub
'@Description("Gets a value indicating whether a ship can be added at the specified position/direction/size.")
Public Function CanAddShip(ByVal position As GridCoord, ByVal direction As ShipOrientation, ByVal shipSize As Byte) As Boolean
CanAddShip = (position.X + IIf(direction = Horizontal, shipSize - 1, 0) <= UBound(this.State, 1)) _
And (position.Y + IIf(direction = Vertical, shipSize - 1, 0) <= UBound(this.State, 2)) _
And (position.X > 0 And position.Y > 0) _
And IntersectsAny(position, direction, shipSize) Is Nothing
End Function
'@Description("Gets a value indicating whether the specified position/direction/size intersects with any existing ship.")
Public Function IntersectsAny(ByVal position As GridCoord, ByVal direction As ShipOrientation, ByVal shipSize As Byte) As GridCoord
Dim currentShip As IShip
For Each currentShip In this.ships
Dim intersecting As GridCoord
Set intersecting = currentShip.Intersects(Ship.Create("InsersectCheck", shipSize, direction, position))
If Not intersecting Is Nothing Then
Set IntersectsAny = intersecting
Exit Function
End If
End Function
'@Description("Gets a value indicating whether the specified position/direction/size has any adjacent existing ship.")
Public Function HasAdjacentShip(ByVal position As GridCoord, ByVal direction As ShipOrientation, ByVal shipSize As Byte) As Boolean
Dim positionX As Long
Dim positionY As Long
If direction = Horizontal Then
positionY = position.Y
For positionX = position.X To position.X + shipSize - 1
If HasAnyAdjacentShips(GridCoord.Create(positionX, positionY)) Then
HasAdjacentShip = True
Exit Function
End If
positionX = position.X
For positionY = position.Y To position.Y + shipSize - 1
If HasAnyAdjacentShips(GridCoord.Create(positionX, positionY)) Then
HasAdjacentShip = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function HasAnyAdjacentShips(ByVal coord As GridCoord) As Boolean
Dim currentX As Long
Dim currentY As Long
Dim currentShip As IShip
For Each currentShip In this.ships
If currentShip.orientation = Horizontal Then
currentY = currentShip.GridPosition.Y
For currentX = currentShip.GridPosition.X To currentShip.GridPosition.X + currentShip.size - 1
If GridCoord.Create(currentX, currentY).IsAdjacent(coord) Then
HasAnyAdjacentShips = True
Exit Function
End If
currentX = currentShip.GridPosition.X
For currentY = currentShip.GridPosition.Y To currentShip.GridPosition.Y + currentShip.size - 1
If GridCoord.Create(currentX, currentY).IsAdjacent(coord) Then
HasAnyAdjacentShips = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
'@Description("(side-effecting) Attempts a hit at the specified position; returns the result of the attack, and a reference to the hit ship if successful.")
Public Function TryHit(ByVal position As GridCoord, Optional ByRef hitShip As IShip) As AttackResult
If this.State(position.X, position.Y) = GridState.PreviousHit Or _
this.State(position.X, position.Y) = GridState.PreviousMiss Then
Err.Raise PlayerGridErrors.KnownGridStateError, TypeName(Me), KnownGridStateErrorMsg
End If
Dim currentShip As IShip
For Each currentShip In this.ships
If currentShip.Hit(position) Then
this.State(position.X, position.Y) = GridState.PreviousHit
If currentShip.IsSunken Then
TryHit = Sunk
TryHit = Hit
End If
Set hitShip = currentShip
Exit Function
End If
this.State(position.X, position.Y) = GridState.PreviousMiss
TryHit = Miss
End Function
'@Description("Gets the GridState value at the specified position.")
Public Property Get State(ByVal position As GridCoord) As GridState
On Error Resume Next
State = this.State(position.X, position.Y)
On Error GoTo 0
End Property
'@Description("Gets a 2D array containing the GridState of each coordinate in the grid.")
Public Property Get StateArray() As Variant
Dim result(1 To Globals.GridSize, 1 To Globals.GridSize) As Variant
Dim currentX As Long
For currentX = 1 To Globals.GridSize
Dim currentY As Long
For currentY = 1 To Globals.GridSize
Dim value As GridState
value = this.State(currentX, currentY)
result(currentX, currentY) = IIf(value = Unknown, Empty, value)
StateArray = result
End Property
'@Description("Gets a value indicating whether the ship at the specified position is sunken.")
Public Property Get IsSunken(ByVal position As GridCoord) As Boolean
Dim currentShip As IShip
For Each currentShip In this.ships
If currentShip.IsSunken Then
If currentShip.orientation = Horizontal Then
If currentShip.GridPosition.Y = position.Y Then
If position.X >= currentShip.GridPosition.X And _
position.X <= currentShip.GridPosition.X + currentShip.size - 1 _
IsSunken = True
Exit Property
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Property
'@Descrition("Gets a value indicating whether all ships have been sunken.")
Public Property Get IsAllSunken() As Boolean
Dim currentShip As IShip
For Each currentShip In this.ships
If Not currentShip.IsSunken Then
IsAllSunken = False
Exit Property
End If
IsAllSunken = True
End Property
'@Description("Returns the GridCoord of known hits around the specified hit position.")
Public Function GetHitArea(ByVal position As GridCoord) As Collection
Debug.Assert this.State(position.X, position.Y) = GridState.PreviousHit
Dim result As Collection
Set result = New Collection
Dim currentX As Long
currentX = position.X
Dim currentY As Long
currentY = position.Y
If position.X < Globals.GridSize Then
Do While currentX <= Globals.GridSize And this.State(currentX, currentY) = GridState.PreviousHit
result.Add GridCoord.Create(currentX, currentY)
currentX = currentX + 1
ElseIf position.X > 1 Then
Do While currentX >= 1 And this.State(currentX, currentY) = GridState.PreviousHit
result.Add GridCoord.Create(currentX, currentY)
currentX = currentX - 1
End If
currentX = position.X
currentY = position.Y
If position.Y < Globals.GridSize Then
Do While currentY <= Globals.GridSize And this.State(currentX, currentY) = GridState.PreviousHit
result.Add GridCoord.Create(currentX, currentY)
currentY = currentY + 1
ElseIf position.Y > 1 Then
Do While currentY >= 1 And this.State(currentX, currentY) = GridState.PreviousHit
currentY = currentY - 1
End If
Set GetHitArea = result
End Function
'@Description("Removes confirmed ship positions from grid state.")
Public Sub Scramble()
Dim currentX As Long
For currentX = 1 To Globals.GridSize
Dim currentY As Long
For currentY = 1 To Globals.GridSize
If this.State(currentX, currentY) = GridState.ShipPosition Then
this.State(currentX, currentY) = GridState.Unknown
End If
End Sub
The PlayerGridTests module is a Rubberduck test module including 19 passing tests that demonstrate usage and validate the type's behavior.
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
Private Assert As Rubberduck.AssertClass
'Private Fakes As Rubberduck.FakesProvider
Public Sub ModuleInitialize()
Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.AssertClass")
'Set Fakes = CreateObject("Rubberduck.FakesProvider")
End Sub
Public Sub ModuleCleanup()
Set Assert = Nothing
'Set Fakes = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub CanAddShipInsideGridBoundaries_ReturnsTrue()
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
Assert.IsTrue sut.CanAddShip(position, Horizontal, Ship.MinimumSize)
End Sub
Public Sub CanAddShipAtPositionZeroZero_ReturnsFalse()
'i.e. PlayerGrid coordinates are 1-based
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(0, 0)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
Assert.IsFalse sut.CanAddShip(position, Horizontal, Ship.MinimumSize)
End Sub
Public Sub CanAddShipGivenInterectingShips_ReturnsFalse()
Dim ship1 As IShip
Set ship1 = Ship.Create("Ship1", 3, Horizontal, GridCoord.Create(1, 1))
Dim ship2 As IShip
Set ship2 = Ship.Create("Ship2", 3, Vertical, GridCoord.Create(2, 1))
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip ship1
Assert.IsFalse sut.CanAddShip(ship2.GridPosition, ship2.orientation, ship2.size)
End Sub
Public Sub AddingSameShipNameTwice_Throws()
Const ExpectedError As Long = 457 ' "This key is already associated with an element of this collection"
On Error GoTo TestFail
Const shipName As String = "TEST"
Dim ship1 As IShip
Set ship1 = Ship.Create(shipName, 2, Horizontal, GridCoord.Create(1, 1))
Dim ship2 As IShip
Set ship2 = Ship.Create(shipName, 3, Horizontal, GridCoord.Create(5, 5))
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip ship1
sut.AddShip ship2
Assert.Fail "Expected error was not raised."
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = ExpectedError Then
Resume TestExit
Resume Assert
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddingShipOutsideGridBoundaries_Throws()
Const ExpectedError As Long = PlayerGridErrors.CannotAddShipAtPosition
On Error GoTo TestFail
Dim ship1 As IShip
Set ship1 = Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, GridCoord.Create(0, 0))
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip ship1
Assert.Fail "Expected error was not raised."
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = ExpectedError Then
Resume TestExit
Resume Assert
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddingMoreShipsThanGameAllows_Throws()
Const ExpectedError As Long = PlayerGridErrors.CannotAddMoreShips
Const MaxValue As Long = Globals.ShipsPerGrid
On Error GoTo TestFail
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Globals.ShipsPerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST" & i, 2, Horizontal, GridCoord.Create(1, i))
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST" & MaxValue + i, 2, Horizontal, GridCoord.Create(1, MaxValue + 1))
Assert.Fail "Expected error was not raised."
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = ExpectedError Then
Resume TestExit
Resume Assert
End If
End Sub
Public Sub TryHitKnownState_Throws()
Const ExpectedError As Long = PlayerGridErrors.KnownGridStateError
On Error GoTo TestFail
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
sut.TryHit position
sut.TryHit position
Assert.Fail "Expected error was not raised."
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = ExpectedError Then
Resume TestExit
Resume Assert
End If
End Sub
Public Sub TryHitMiss_SetsPreviousMissState()
Const expected = GridState.PreviousMiss
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim badPosition As GridCoord
Set badPosition = position.Offset(5, 5)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
sut.TryHit badPosition
Dim actual As GridState
actual = sut.State(badPosition)
Assert.AreEqual expected, actual
End Sub
Public Sub TryHitSuccess_SetsPreviousHitState()
Const expected = GridState.PreviousHit
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
sut.TryHit position
Dim actual As GridState
actual = sut.State(position)
Assert.AreEqual expected, actual
End Sub
Public Sub TryHitSuccess_ReturnsTrue()
Const expected = GridState.PreviousHit
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
Assert.IsTrue sut.TryHit(position)
End Sub
Public Sub TryHitMisses_ReturnsFalse()
Const expected = GridState.PreviousMiss
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim badPosition As GridCoord
Set badPosition = position.Offset(5, 5)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
Assert.IsFalse sut.TryHit(badPosition)
End Sub
Public Sub GridInitialState_UnknownState()
Const expected = GridState.Unknown
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
Dim actual As GridState
actual = sut.State(GridCoord.Create(1, 1))
Assert.AreEqual expected, actual
End Sub
Public Sub GivenAdjacentShip_HasRightAdjacentShipReturnsTrue()
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(2, 2)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
Assert.IsTrue sut.HasAdjacentShip(GridCoord.Create(1, 2), Vertical, 3)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenAdjacentShip_HasLeftAdjacentShipReturnsTrue()
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(2, 1)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
Assert.IsTrue sut.HasAdjacentShip(GridCoord.Create(1, 1), Vertical, 3)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenAdjacentShip_HasDownAdjacentShipReturnsTrue()
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(2, 2)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
Assert.IsTrue sut.HasAdjacentShip(GridCoord.Create(1, 3), Horizontal, 3)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenAdjacentShip_HasUpAdjacentShipReturnsTrue()
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(2, 2)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 2, Horizontal, position)
Assert.IsTrue sut.HasAdjacentShip(GridCoord.Create(1, 1), Horizontal, 3)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenAdjacentShipAtHorizontalTipEnd_ReturnsTrue()
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(10, 4)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 5, Vertical, position)
Assert.IsTrue sut.HasAdjacentShip(GridCoord.Create(6, 7), Horizontal, 4)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenAdjacentShipAtVerticalTipEnd_ReturnsTrue()
Dim position As GridCoord
Set position = GridCoord.Create(6, 7)
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 4, Horizontal, position)
Assert.IsTrue sut.HasAdjacentShip(GridCoord.Create(10, 4), Vertical, 5)
End Sub
Public Sub GivenTwoSideBySideHits_GetHitAreaReturnsTwoItems()
Const expected As Long = 2
Dim sut As PlayerGrid
Set sut = New PlayerGrid
sut.AddShip Ship.Create("TEST", 5, Horizontal, GridCoord.Create(1, 1))
sut.TryHit GridCoord.Create(1, 1)
Dim actual As Long
actual = sut.GetHitArea(GridCoord.Create(1, 1)).Count
Assert.AreEqual expected, actual
End Sub
These two classes are the foundation of the game (I'll upload the whole thing to GitHub once I have everything ready - here's a teaser video), and since I'm planning to make this project a model of a VBA project to demonstrate Rubberduck's features and debunk any "VBA can't do real OOP" once and for all, I want this to be as good as it gets.
Does anything stick out? Please be picky!