I'll put some comments inline to the code, and in the end add a complete implementation of the program, with various changes to improve the execution. program BA implicit none integer, parameter :: N = 20 For real numbers it is advisable to introduce a real kind with selected_real_kind: integer, parameter :: rk = selected_real_kind(15) integer :: A(n,n) Use the real kind introduced above, to declare the reals: real(kind=rk) :: r, p, r2(2), pj real(kind=rk) :: sumA_q integer :: sumA integer :: m0, i, j, L0, N1, t, jnod, k, di Often it is better to use more than single characters for variables (for example something like `iNode` or `iEdge`, this makes it visible what the iterator is actually used for. integer :: edge_number, ii, ie, je, degree A = 0 m0 = 5 ! initial nodes L0 = 4 ! initial edges ii = 0 ! adding m0 nodes with random connections rand_cnx: do ! while is actually deprecated, you anyway use 'if exit' in the ! loop, so I'd stick to that one. Using a block label to allow ! the identification of the loop in the exit statement. do ie = 1, m0 call random_number(r) You could create a bunch of `m0` random numbers all at once here, and use them then subsequently. That might be a little faster, but probably has no really big impact. je = r * (m0 - 1) + 1 if (A(ie,je) == 0 ) then A(ie,je) = 1 A(je,ie) = 1 ii = ii + 1 if (ii>=L0) EXIT rand_cnx No need to compute another random number here, if the limit was reached, leave the loop. Use a block label to directly leave the outer loop. end if end do end do rand_cnx edge_number = L0 N1 = m0 degree = m0 ! Precompute sum of submatrix up to m0-1 sumA = sum(A(1:m0-1, 1:m0-1)) ! adding remaining nodes with pereferential attachment do t = 1,N-m0 di = 0 N1 = m0 + t The summation over the subarray does not depend on the random numbers (only entries outside the subarray at N1 are modified, if I am not mistaken) and can be pre-computed. As N1 is linearly increasing, we can update the sum of the submatrix up to N1, by just adding the newly filled column and row from the previous iteration. ! Update sum of submatrix with the previously computed column and row. sumA = sumA + sum(A(1:N1-1,N1-1)) + sum(A(N1-1,1:N1-2)) sumA_q = 1.0_rk / real(sumA, kind=rk) do call random_number(r) jnod = r * (N1-2)+1 pj = sum(A(jnod,1:N1-1))*sumA_q call random_number(r) if ( r<pj .and. A(N1,jnod)==0 ) then A(N1,jnod) = 1 A(jnod,N1) = 1 edge_number = edge_number + 1 di = sum(A(N1,1:N1)) if (di >= degree) EXIT end if end do end do do i = 1,N write(12,"(*(I5))") (A(i,j),j=1,N) end do end program BA With a little more memory effort, you could also precompute all `sum(A(jnod,1:N1-1))`, use them for the summation of the complete submatrix and in the computation of `pj`, instead of recalculating the sum everytime the random number picks a specific `jnod`. This would result in turning the `di` into an array of length `N`. Implementing this led be to find that the first additional node has to be connected to all previous nodes, as you set `degree=m0`. In this case no randomness seems to be involved? I catch this special case in the implementation below: program BA implicit none integer, parameter :: N = 20 integer, parameter :: rk = selected_real_kind(15) integer :: A(n,n) real(kind=rk) :: r, pj real(kind=rk) :: sumA_q integer :: sumA integer :: m0, i, j, L0, N1, t, jnod integer :: di(N) integer :: edge_number, ii, ie, je, degree A = 0 di = 0 m0 = 5 ! initial nodes L0 = 4 ! initial edges ! adding m0 nodes with random connections ii = 0 rand_cnx: do do ie = 1, m0 call random_number(r) je = nint(r * (m0 - 1)) + 1 if (A(ie,je) == 0 ) then A(ie,je) = 1 A(je,ie) = 1 di(ie) = di(ie) + 1 di(je) = di(je) + 1 ii = ii + 1 if (ii>=L0) EXIT rand_cnx end if end do end do rand_cnx edge_number = L0 N1 = m0 degree = m0 ! Precompute sum of submatrix up to m0-1 sumA = sum(di(:m0-1)) - sum(A(:m0-1,m0)) ! adding remaining nodes with pereferential attachment do t = 1,N-m0 N1 = m0 + t ! Update sum of submatrix with the previously computed column and row. sumA = sumA + sum(A(:N1-2,N1-1)) + di(N1-1) sumA_q = 1.0_rk / real(sumA, kind=rk) need_all: if (N1-1 == degree) then ! Need all nodes to fulfill degree, no randomness required? A(N1,:N1-1) = 1 A(:N1-1,N1) = 1 edge_number = edge_number + N1-1 di(:N1-1) = di(:N1-1) + 1 di(N1) = di(N1) + N1-1 else need_all do call random_number(r) jnod = nint(r * (N1-2))+1 ! Only consider not yet connected nodes. if (A(jnod,N1) == 0) then pj = di(jnod)*sumA_q call random_number(r) if ( r<pj ) then A(N1,jnod) = 1 A(jnod,N1) = 1 edge_number = edge_number + 1 di(N1) = di(N1)+1 di(jnod) = di(jnod) + 1 if (di(N1) >= degree) EXIT end if end if end do end if need_all end do do i = 1,N write(12,"(*(I5))") (A(i,j),j=1,N) end do end program BA No guarantees, that this is in any way correct. I guess, this could be further increased by just picking the random nodes out of the not yet connected ones. This would imply that you need to keep an index list of all 0 values for the current node, and then use `jnod` to pick out of those. This would be more involved book-keeping but would reduce the number of guesses, you need to do.