Okay lets start with the name of your function: `leavesIn1Level(...)`. It *does* explain what this method does, but apparently it is not very clear - even to yourself - therefore you felt the need to add a comment. How a bout the name `areAllLeavesInSameLevel(..)`. This explais what it does and makes your comment useless. Next point (a compliment): You used a Queue, which is the data-structure that fits your needs perfectly. Good job. One thing I noticed: The line `node.left == null && node.right == null` is used twice in your short piece of code and therefore - **code duplication**. How do we get rid of it? Well... What does that line of code do? It checks whether a `Node` is a Leaf. So why don't we just name it that way? private static boolean isLeaf(Node node) { return node.left == null && node.right == null; } Boom. Code duplication gone. **And** the code explains exactly what it does. Now what I realized, is that you have a very deep level of abstraction in this function, where you mix *what* is done with *how* its done. Lets try to get rid of this: if(current.left != null){ q.add(current.left); } if(current.right != null){ q.add(current.right); } This piece of code explains how something is done. But what is done? Children of a node are added to a queue. Why don't we just name it that? private static void addChildrenToQueue(Node node, Queue<Node> queue) { if(node.left != null){ queue.add(node.left); } if(node.right != null){ queue.add(node.right); } } Lets take a look at what we have now: public static boolean areAllLeavesInSameLevel(Node root){ if(root == null){ return false; } if(isLeaf(root)){ return true; } Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>(); q.add(root); int levelNumber = 0; int height = height(root); while(true){ int nodeCount = q.size(); if(nodeCount == 0){ break; } while(nodeCount > 0){ Node current = q.remove(); nodeCount--; if(isLeaf(current)){ if(height != levelNumber){ return false; }else{ return true; } } addChildrenToQueue(current,q); } levelNumber++; } return false; } Now I'm not particularly happy with the name `q`. What is inside that queue? It's nodes that need to be checked - in other words: `remainingNodes`. Lets just call it that. Take a look at this: while(true){ int nodeCount = remainingNodes.size(); if(nodeCount == 0){ break; } ... } return false; What does it do? If the queue is empty it jumps out of the loop and then returns false. How about we move it around a bit to get rid of that `while(true)`: while(!remainingNodes.isEmpty()){ int nodeCount = remainingNodes.size(); ... } return false; Aaaand the `while(true)` is gone and replaced with a much better phrased condition. While the Collection of remaining nodes is not empty do something. At this point we can argue that the queue could have the even better name `queueOfRemainingNodes`. Some would say it's too long. I like it, but that's up to you to decide. Let's take a look at the second `while`: int nodeCount = queueOfRemainingNodes.size(); while(nodeCount > 0){ nodeCount--; ... } To me this looks like the classic case for a `for`-loop instead: for(int nodeCount = queueOfRemainingNodes.size(); nodeCount > 0; nodeCount--) { ... } Okay. Now what does this inner for-loop actually do? It checks whether any node, that is currently in the queue is a leaf and if it is not, it adds its children to the queue. If however one *is* a leaf, it does the following check: if(height != levelNumber){ What? Is height euql to levelNumber? What is levelNumber? And which height? By looking up we find out that `height` is the height of the tree and `levelNumber` is the number of the level we are *currently* looking at. Let's give these two some more expressive names: int currentLevelNumber = 0; int treeHeight = height(root); So where are we now? Let's take a look at the full code: public static boolean areAllLeavesInSameLevel(Node root){ if(root == null){ return false; } if(isLeaf(root)){ return true; } Queue<Node> queueOfRemainingNodes = new LinkedList<Node>(); queueOfRemainingNodes.add(root); int currentLevelNumber = 0; int treeHeight = height(root); while(!queueOfRemainingNodes.isEmpty()){ for(int nodesOnCurrentLevel = queueOfRemainingNodes.size(); nodesOnCurrentLevel > 0; nodesOnCurrentLevel--){ Node current = q.remove(); if(isLeaf(current)){ if(treeHeight != currentLevelNumber){ return false; }else{ return true; } } addChildrenToQueue(current,queueOfRemainingNodes); } currentLevelNumber++; } return false; } Wow. Just realized how long this post got. Sorry, I could go on for hours and remove this second (and third) level of intendation and find more expressive names for everything, but I think this gives you an impression on what you **can** do.