My friend and I are making a node.js game, and we have been testing CPU. After profiling, it was determined that this process called zlib is sucking most of the CPU/RAM. 3 clients connected to a game is fine, but when 12~13 players are connected it uses 58% where zlib is using about 30% of this CPU. <!-- language-all: lang-none --> > inclusive self name > ticks total ticks total > 64775 58.5% 64775 58.5% /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ > 25001 22.6% 224 0.2% LazyCompile: *callback zlib.js:409 > //this one is a different zlib > 7435 6.7% 82 0.1% LazyCompile: ~callback zlib.js:409 Is there any way to decrease the CPU usage from this? Or is there a reason why it is increasing so much? I have done some reading and I am told it is from, so here is our section of socket sending most of the data: <!-- language-all: lang-js --> for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { if ( == users[i].room && users[i].x + users[i].radius >= u.x - u.screenWidth / 2 - 20 && users[i].x - users[i].radius <= u.x + u.screenWidth / 2 + 20 && users[i].y + users[i].radius >= u.y - u.screenHeight / 2 - 20 && users[i].y - users[i].radius <= u.y + u.screenHeight / 2 + 20) { if (users[i].id == { visiblePlayers.push({ x: users[i].x, y: users[i].y, angle: users[i].angle, hue: users[i].hue, radius: users[i].radius, squeeze: users[i].squeeze, name: users[i].name, dead: users[i].dead, isPlayer: true, kills: users[i].kills }); } else { visiblePlayers.push({ x: users[i].x, y: users[i].y, angle: users[i].angle, hue: users[i].hue, radius: users[i].radius, squeeze: users[i].squeeze, name: users[i].name, dead: users[i].dead }); } // SEND DYING INFO: (FOR OFFLINE ANIMATION): if (users[i].dying) { visiblePlayers[visiblePlayers.length - 1].dying = true; } } } var visibleEnergy = []; for (var i = 0; i < energies.length; i++) { if (u.firstSend || (energies[i].updated && energies[i].room == { var anim = energies[i].animate; if (u.firstSend) anim = true; visibleEnergy.push({ x: energies[i].x, y: energies[i].y, radius: energies[i].radius, index: i, animate: anim, hue: energies[i].hue, room: energies[i].room }); } } // SEND PLAYER UPDATES TO CLIENTS: sockets[].emit('serverTellPlayerMove', visiblePlayers, visibleEnergy);