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Finding and deleting duplicate files in a folder

The following code aims to identify and delete duplicate files in a folder. At first, files are compared by size, and then (if needed) by hash.

The helper function sort_duplicates determines which file of the group of duplicates to keep. I have skipped the part of the code dealing with CLI.

As a self-learner of computer science, I would very appreciate any feedback.

Code is written on Python 3.6.4

import os
import hashlib
import collections
import copy 

import test_duplicates

def calculate_hash(file):
      file: path to a file object
      Returns a hash of a provided file object
      md5 = hashlib.md5()
      with open(file, 'rb') as fh:
            for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
      return md5.hexdigest()

def sort_duplicates(duplicates):
      duplicates: sequence of groups of duplicates
      returns two list of the duplicates divided by the rule described in 
      duplicates = copy.deepcopy(duplicates)
      to_keep = []
      to_delete = []
      for group in duplicates:
            file = [file for file in group if ('cop') not in file][0]
            if file:
      return to_keep, to_delete

def find_duplicates(directory, recursive=True, 
                    exclude_hidden=False, delete=True):
            list of duplicates grouped in sets by common hash
            list of duplicates proposed to delete
            list of duplicated proposed to keep
      to_keep contains an arbitrary duplicate from each group of duplicates if
              path of the duplicate does not contain string 'cop'
              if such duplicate does not exist to_keep collects any arbitrary 
              duplicate from the group
      to_delete contains the rest of the duplicates
      duplicates = collections.defaultdict(set)
      sizes_dict = collections.defaultdict(set)
      # filter by size   
      for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
            if exclude_hidden:
                  filenames = (filename for filename in filenames
                               if not filename.startswith('.'))
            for filename in filenames:    
                  path = os.path.join(root, filename)
            if not recursive:
      groups = [values for values in sizes_dict.values()
                if len(values) > 1]
      for group in groups:
            for item in group:

      duplicates = [values for values in duplicates.values()
                    if len(values) > 1]
      if not duplicates:
            print('No duplicates has been found')
            return None

      print('----Found following groups of duplicates: ----------------------')
      for group in duplicates:
            print(' - '.join(str(duplicate) for duplicate in group), end='\n')

      if not delete:
      to_keep, to_delete = sort_duplicates(duplicates)
      print('----Following files from the list of duplicates will be kept:')
      print(*to_keep, sep='\n', end='\n')
      print('----Following files from the list of duplicates will be deleted:')
      print(*to_delete, sep='\n')
      for path in to_delete:
      return duplicates, to_keep, to_delete

if __name__ == '__main__':


----Found following groups of duplicates: ----------------------
/tmp/d/2 - /tmp/d/copied/2
/tmp/d/copied/4 - /tmp/d/4
/tmp/d/3 - /tmp/d/copied/3
/tmp/d/copied/0 - /tmp/d/0
/tmp/d/copied/1 - /tmp/d/1

----Following files from the list of duplicates will be kept:

----Following files from the list of duplicates will be deleted:

There is test_duplicates module.

import py.path
import random

from duplicates import find_duplicates

def make_files(directory):
      Creates dummy objects in a given directory:
         10 unique file objects in the parent directory
         copies of the first 5 objects in the subfolder 'copied'
         changed copies (added empty string) of second 5 objects in
                  the subfolder copied
         returns: mapping of dublicate objects
                  list of objects to keep
                  list of objects to deleted
      dir_path = py.path.local(directory)
      copied_path = dir_path.join('copied')
      changed_path = dir_path.join('changed')
      duplicates, paths, to_delete = [], [], []
      for ind in range(10):
            path = dir_path.join(str(ind))
            path.write(random.randrange(ind * 10 - 10, ind * 10), ensure=True)
            assert path.check()
      # copy first 5 files into the subfolder 'copy'
      for path in paths[:5]:
            path_copy = copied_path.join(path.basename)
            duplicates.append({str(path), str(path_copy)})
            assert path_copy.check()
      # copy second 5 files and add empty string to each of them:
      for path in paths[5:10]:
            path_changed = changed_path.join(path.basename)
            path_changed.write('\n', mode='a')
            assert path_changed.check()
      to_keep = [str(path) for path in paths[:5]]     
      paths.extend((copied_path, changed_path))      
      files = sorted(list(dir_path.visit()))
      assert files == sorted(paths)
      return duplicates, to_keep, to_delete

def test_duplicates(tmpdir):
      """Compares received and expected results of find_duplicate function"""
      exp_duplicates, exp_to_keep, exp_to_delete = make_files(tmpdir)
      rec_duplicates, rec_to_keep, rec_to_delete = find_duplicates(
                                tmpdir, recursive=True, delete=True)
      assert len(exp_duplicates) == len(rec_duplicates)
      for group in rec_duplicates:
            assert group in exp_duplicates
      assert sorted(exp_to_keep) == sorted(rec_to_keep)
      assert sorted(exp_to_delete) == sorted(rec_to_delete)

      no_duplicates = tmpdir.join('copied')
      assert find_duplicates(no_duplicates) == None
John Snow
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