How can I clean up this code? It works correctly. However, I feel like I typed this out all the extremely long way and I would love to know how to make this more performant.
In my next project I would like to not have to type all of these out. I imagine that I am missing some functions or loops. I am still a very new beginner and this is my first project outside of a classroom.
I wrote this code so I could figure out the amount of molecules within a plasmid and an insert of DNA. I then get the amount of insert DNA I would need to use (in uL) for a ligation with the DNA at different insert ratios and dilutions. Please let me know how I can clean this up.
print "Please put the amount of BPs: "
number = int(raw_input())
solution = (number * 660)
Avo = (6.022 * (10 ** 23))
Grams_Avo = ( solution / Avo)
print "Put in Concentration (ng/ul): "
conc = float(raw_input())
multiple = (10 ** -9)
amount = (conc * multiple)
total = float(amount / Grams_Avo)
print "Amount of molecules: %s" % total
print "Amount of ul used by the plasmid: "
plasmid = float(raw_input())
particles = float(plasmid * total)
print "What ratio amount will you use?: "
ratio = int(raw_input())
molecules_needed = float(particles * ratio)
print molecules_needed
print "Conc. of your oligo?: "
oligo = float(raw_input())
oligo_num = float(oligo * multiple) # amount
print "Enter number of G in Oligo: "
G = int(raw_input())
print "Enter number of A in Oligo: "
A = int(raw_input())
print "Enter number of T in Oligo: "
T = int(raw_input())
print "Enter number of C in Oligo: "
C = int(raw_input())
sumG = (G * 329)
sumA = (A * 313)
sumT = (T * 304)
sumC = (C * 289)
daoligo = (sumG + sumA + sumT + sumC) # g/mol
print "Total amount of your insert %s" % daoligo
oligototal = float(oligo_num / (daoligo/Avo)) # molecules for insert
complete = float(molecules_needed/oligototal) #amount of insert needed from stock ul
print "What dilution will you use?"
print "1. Stock"
print "2. 1:10"
print "3. 1:20"
print "4. 1:30"
print "5. 1:50"
code = float(raw_input())
if code == 1:
print complete #stock
elif code == 2:
code2 = (oligototal/10)
complete1 = float(molecules_needed/code2)
print complete1 #1:10
elif code == 3:
code3 (oligototal/20)
complete2 = float(molecules_needed/code3)
print complete2 #1:20
elif code == 4:
code4 = (oligototal/30)
complete3 = float(molecules_needed/code4)
print complete3 #1:30
elif code == 5:
code_5 = (oligototal/50)
complete4 = float(molecules_needed/code_5)
print complete4 #1:50