**Remove unused functions and member variables**

`block::getValue()` is not used at all.

`squares::freeSpots` is not used. 

`squares::neighbors` is not used. There is a function local variable of the same name in `squares::neighborCount` but the class member variable is not used at all.

`squares::x` is not used. There is a function local variable of the same name in `squares::placeSquares` but the class member variable is not used at all.

`squares::y` is not used. There is a function local variable of the same name in `squares::placeSquares` but the class member variable is not used at all.

**Replace hard coded numbers with suitably named constants**

You have:

    if( i>=1 && k >=1 && k<49 && i<49){

That would be more readable if you use:

    const int ABCD_LIMIT = 49;
    if( i>=1 && k >=1 && k<ABCD_LIMIT && i<ABCD_LIMIT){

Other examples of hard coded numbers:

    if(xClick >= 450)


    fill_rectangle(i*10,k*10,10,10, color::black);



    move_to(i*10, 0);

**Replace use of pointers with `std::vector`s**

You have 

    block** ary;

That can easily be

    std::vector<std::vector<block>> ary;

I would also recommend changing the name `ary` to `blockArray`. A more descriptive name is better than a cryptic one.

    std::vector<std::vector<block>> blockArray;

If you use a `std::vector<std::vector<block>>`, you can remove the member variables `rows` and `cols`. The constructor of `squares` can be simplified to:

    squares(int row, int col) : blockArray(row, std::vector<block>(col, block)) {}

In your posted code, you don't have a user defined destructor. As a result, you have a memory leak. By using `std::vector`s, the default destructor provided by the compiler will take care of releasing memory used by the `std::vector`s.

The other benefit of using `std::vector`s is ease of iteration. You can replace the following block:

    for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
        for(int k = 0; k < cols; k++){


    for ( auto& row : blockArray) {
       for ( auto& block : row ) {
          block.a = 0;