This is a function I wrote which has the intention of extracting bits of the URL.
function getPage($options = "", $page = "")
preg_match("/^https?/", $page, $scheme);
$scheme = $scheme[0] ?? null;
$scheme = !empty($scheme) ? $scheme : (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? "https" : "http");
$self = "{$scheme}://{$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]}{$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]}";
* - return the string untouched
* a - return the page name, extension, and get variables
* b - no extension, no get variable
* c - url up to extension, no get variable
* d - all get variables (everything after "?" excludes the "?") (if no "?" then sets to "")
* e - domain name e.g. google
* f - full domain without any page information e.g.
* g - url up to last folder, excludes page name
if (empty($options)) return $self;
$options = str_split($options);
$page = ($page == "") ? $self : $page;
if (in_array("a", $options)) $page = substr($page, strrpos($page, "/") + 1);
if (in_array("b", $options)) $page = substr($page, 0, strrpos($page, ".php"));
if (in_array("c", $options)) $page = empty(substr($page, 0, strrpos($page, "?"))) ? $page : substr($page, 0, strrpos($page, "?"));
if (in_array("d", $options)) $page = (strpos($page, "?")) ? substr($page, strrpos($page, "?") + 1) : "";
if (in_array("e", $options)) $page = explode('.', parse_url(getPage('f', $page), PHP_URL_HOST))[1] ?? (parse_url(getPage('f', $page), PHP_URL_HOST) ?? 'localhost');
if (in_array("f", $options)) $page = ($page == $self) ? "{$scheme}://{$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]}" : "{$scheme}://".(strpos($page, $scheme) === false ? parse_url("{$scheme}://{$page}")["host"] : parse_url($page)["host"]);
if (in_array("g", $options)) $page = substr($page, 0, strrpos($page, "/"));
return $page;
I'm not sure if I am creating this in the best way (there are lots of substrings).
One of my current examples of using this code is to determine which page is selected.
<ul id="nav">
<li class="button <?php echo getPage("ab") == "page1" ? "active" : "inactive"; ?>"><a href="page1.php">Page 1</a></li>
<li class="button <?php echo getPage("ab") == "page2" ? "active" : "inactive"; ?>"><a href="page2.php">Page 2</a></li>
Assuming the URL is ""
would find the page name.
Would return the page name (e.g. "page1.php")
Would return ""
Combining the two returns "page1".
Another example is to check if a link is external using getPage('e')
to return just the domain name.
A coded example being:
// Wrap in a div since XML must have one overall parent
$xml = simplexml_load_string('<div>'.$blog->story.'</div>');
// Iterate over all paragraph elements
foreach ($xml->children() as $p) {
// Get external links
// Here we specify the href of the anchor and see if the domain of the
// anchor is the same as the domain of the current page we are on, we
// will progress if the anchor points to an external site
if (isset($p->a['href']) && getPage('e', $p->a['href']) != getPage('e')) {
// Add the target attribute
$p->a->addAttribute('target', '_blank');
// Echo the HTML string
echo $xml->asXML();