I made a new version of this which was actually not behaving correctly, because it showed duplicated values, it just didn't add them again, this is the link to that program, someone point at correctly I think that the problem didn't state that student should use an ArrayList, but an Array, so I made this program again with an array, and I think is a lot better now. I would love some feedback, is this good code? I'm following the advices I got in my last post, please check answers. It works very well now and it took me quite a few hours to get it to work properly, but I loved coding it and learnt quite a few things.
class TestUserInputDataHandler
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* 7.12 (Duplicate Elimination) Use a one-dimensional array to solve the following
* problem:Write an application that inputs five numbers, each between 10 and 100,
* inclusive. As each number is read, display it only if it’s not a duplicate of
* a number already read. Provide for the “worst case”, in which all five numbers
* are different. Use the smallest possible array to solve this problem. Display
* the complete set of unique values input after the user enters each new value.
public class TestUserInputDataHandler {
public static UserInputDataHandler userInputContainer;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int USER_INPUTS = 5 ;
//create UserInputDataHandlerObject
userInputContainer = new UserInputDataHandler() ;
//ask user to enter five valid int values
//everytime user inputs a new value, show non-duplicate ones
for ( int i = 0 ; i < USER_INPUTS ; i++ )
//let user input data
getUserInput() ;
//print not duplicated values entered by user
printNonDuplicates() ;
public static void printNonDuplicates(){
String nonDuplicatedValues =
String.format ("Nonduplicated values:\n%s",nonDuplicatedValues) );
public static void getUserInput(){
//ask user to enter a new value and store it in a variable
int newUserInput = Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter a value between 10 and 100 inclusive)")) ;
//let the container handle the new user input
class UserInputData
public class UserInputData {
//userInput field:it must be between 10 and 100 inclusive
int userInput ;
//isDuplicated field:false ONLY if number was entered by user once
boolean isDuplicated ;
public UserInputData ( int input ) {
//check if input is valid
if ( inputIsValid ( input ) ){
this.userInput = input ;
this.isDuplicated = false ;
throw new IllegalArgumentException
( "Invalid user input (must be between 10 and 100 inclusive" ) ;
//userInput getter
public int getNumericData (){
return userInput ;
//isDuplicated getter
public boolean isDuplicated(){
return this.isDuplicated;
public boolean inputIsValid ( int input ){
//constants declaration
final int UPPER_BOUND = 100 ;
final int LOWER_BOUNDS = 10 ;
//return boolean if data is valid or invalid
if ( input >= LOWER_BOUNDS && input <= UPPER_BOUND ){
return true ;
return false ;
public void setAsDuplicated () {
this.isDuplicated = true ;
class UserInputDataHandler
public class UserInputDataHandler {
//Array of not-duplicated valid user input
UserInputData[] handler ;
final int USER_INPUTS = 5 ;
public UserInputDataHandler(){
this.handler = new UserInputData[USER_INPUTS] ;
//handles user's input
public void handleUserInput (int newInput) {
int storagePos = 0 ;
//check if number already exists in array
if ( ( storagePos = numberAlreadyEntered (newInput ) ) >= 0 ) {
//set contained UserInputData object as duplicated
//create UserInputData object
UserInputData userInput = new UserInputData(newInput) ;
//store new UserInputData object @handler's storagePos
//value needs to be converted to possitive
this.handler[ Math.abs(storagePos + 1)] = userInput ;
//find @storagePos where newInput should be stored,or set repeated input as
public int numberAlreadyEntered (int newInput ){
//variable to go over handler
int storagePos = 0 ;
//check if the value was already entered
( //handler[storagePos] is not null
this.handler[storagePos] != null &&
//if handler[storagePos] doesn't have newInput's numerical value
newInput != this.handler[storagePos].getNumericData() &&
//if storagePos < USER_INPUTS
storagePos < USER_INPUTS
//check next handler storage position
storagePos++ ;
//the true side of the following if must return @storagePos, where a
//duplicate value was found
if ( this.handler[storagePos] != null && storagePos != USER_INPUTS ){
return storagePos ;
//return a negative number if null pointer or unreachable position
return ( -1 * storagePos ) - 1;
//return non duplicate values
public String nonDuplicatedValuesWithFormat(){
//empty string
String s = "" ;
//concat string with nonduplicated values
for ( int i = 0 ;
this.handler[i] != null &&
; i++ )
//concatenate nonduplicated values
if ( ! this.handler[i].isDuplicated() ){
s += this.handler[i].getNumericData() + "\n" ;
//return concatenated String
return s;