I have the following code:

	inversions :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Int
	inversions xs = snd $ countInv' (xs, length xs)

	countInv' :: (Ord a) => ([a], Int) -> ([a], Int)
	countInv' ([], _) = ([], 0)
	countInv' ([x], _) = ([x], 0)
	countInv' (xs, n) = (sorted, leftInv + splitInv + rightInv)
	    	leftLen = n `div` 2
	    	rightLen = n - leftLen
	        (left, right) = splitAt leftLen xs
	        (sortedLeft, leftInv) = countInv' (left, leftLen)
	        (sortedRight, rightInv) = countInv' (right, rightLen)
	        (sorted, splitInv) = countSplitInv' (sortedLeft, leftLen) (sortedRight, rightLen)

	countSplitInv' :: (Ord a) => ([a], Int) -> ([a], Int) -> ([a], Int)
	countSplitInv' ([], _) ([], _) = ([], 0)
	countSplitInv' (xs, _) ([], _) = (xs, 0)
	countSplitInv' ([], _) (xs, _) = (xs, 0)
	countSplitInv' (x : xs, nx) (y : ys, ny)
	    | x > y     = (y : sortedY, nx + splitInvY)
	    | otherwise = (x : sortedX, splitInvX)
	        (sortedX, splitInvX) = countSplitInv' (xs, pred nx) (y : ys, ny)
	        (sortedY, splitInvY) = countSplitInv' (x : xs, nx) (ys, pred ny)

	main :: IO ()
	main = do
	    contents <- getContents
	    print $ inversions (map read (lines contents) :: [Int])

How could I write this code in a way that is more idiomatic, reduces the amount of repetition, and reduces the amount of data being copied?