I need to expand logical patterns to list of strings.
For example I have the following definition:
(expand-pattern '(and "xy"
(or "1" "2")
(or (and "ab0"
(or "1" "2" "3"))
Which evaluates to the following list of strings:
("xy1ab01" "xy2ab01" "xy1ab02" "xy2ab02" "xy1ab03" "xy2ab03" "xy1cd01" "xy2cd01")
I wrote the following code:
(defun expand-pattern (pattern)
(defun expat (parents expr)
(pcase expr
((or (pred stringp)
(pred numberp)) (mapcar (lambda (parent)
(cons expr parent))
(`(and ,first) (expat parents first))
(`(and ,first . ,rest) (expat (expat parents first)
(cons 'and rest)))
(`(or . ,args) (apply #'append
(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(expat parents arg))
(_ (error "unknown %S" expr))))
(mapcar (lambda (tokens)
(mapconcat (lambda (token)
(format "%s" token))
(reverse tokens)
(expat '(()) pattern)))
I am new to Emacs Lisp and would like to know, if this is a reasonable way to solve the problem in Elisp or if it can be optimized, to simplify the code.